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Leather Freakz

For Glovers and black leather lovers.....

Sometimes people just dont understand the love of black leather,and a tight gloved hand. But to those that do,then this will all make sense..... I touch you softly,delicately,our gloved hands softly sliding over eachother. Our leather creaks and groans as our passion rises,each gloved touch sending bolts of lightning thru our tight leathered bodies. We caress eachother,our leather becomes hot,wet....our gloved hands tremble as the tension mounts,i wrap my leathered legs around yours,the friction mounts,we are like two animals,savage,wild,winding around eachothers leather encased bodies.My gloved fingers reach up to your mouth&nose,teasing you,as yours does the same to our passion explodes,we slowly glove eachother tight,i hold your breath in my gloved hand...and listen to your mufflied screams of love fade away,as i fade also.....into the darkness,a darkness as black as leather. >^..^<


Do you loveeeee the feeling of black leather gloves??Does the thought of them just take your breath awayyyy? I LOVEEE how they feel,so savage and erotic,theres nothing that comes between me and my leather and gloves,except another pair of gloves,and a guy totally encased in black tight leather.Meowwwww...Stay in touch for more gloves and leather pics soon,and feel free to email me at DEEPFIRE99@AOL.COM
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