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Nick brought the wagon to a halt outside the Laurence home just as Amy Laurence rushed out the door.
"Mr. Riley!" she exclaimed. "What brings you here? I'm afraid I'm in a terrible hurry…"
"Jo sent me, " explained Nick. "She asked me to pick up the books Mr. Laurence was sending over and also the things for Bess."
"Oh dear!" Amy looked more flustered than ever. "I completely forgot. Bess's new things are in her room, and the books are--well, I'm not exactly sure where they are. Do you mind waiting?"
"No ma'am." Amy turned and started quickly into the house, then suddenly turned back to Nick.
"I'm terribly sorry--I'm so frazzled! I'm having very important company for tea this afternoon, and nothing seems to be going right… I have so much to do. Could I ask you to do a tremendous favor for me?"
"Of course."
"You know that Jo's birthday is coming up?" Nick nodded. "Well, Meg, Laurie, and I have ordered a brooch for her from a jeweler in Boston, and it's supposed to arrive with the mail today. I'm very nervous about it. I don't want such an important and valuable package left in the care of Mr. Gerson. Could you possibly go and fetch it for me while I get everything together for you?"
Nick smiled congenially, happy to help her in the midst of her obvious troubles. "No problem."
"Wonderful!" Amy beamed at him gratefully. "I promise I'll have everything ready for you when you return."

Nick approached the counter where Mr. Gerson was standing. "I'm here to pick up a package that arrived today for Mrs. Laurence. And I'll also take any mail that goes to Plumfield."
"Certainly, Mr. Riley. That package just arrived." Mr. Gerson started to walk away, then stopped as he noticed someone else entering the store. "Watch out," he warned Nick with a grin, "Mrs. Moffat's on gossip patrol."
"She's a real busybody alright," laughed Nick agreeably as Mr. Gerson disappeared into the back room.
Mrs. Moffat approached the counter with her usual gusto. "Well, Mr. Riley. What are you doing here? Picking up the mail for Plumfield, I suppose? How are things going there? I hear young Emil is ill, I hope he'll be better. So much of that going around. I hear young Jimmy Barber is very seriously ill; there's really no hope for him. Of course it doesn't surprise me, what with his father spending all his wages on liquor instead of food to fill his children's stomachs, well I--"
"Here's your package, Mr. Riley," announced Mr. Gerson, returning from the back room. "And a few things that go to Plumfield. If I could just get you to sign here for the package." He examined the package as Nick scrawled his name across the paper in front of him. "Escott's Jewelers. Boston. Well, that must be a very special package."
"For Mrs. Bhaer," explained Nick offhandedly as he returned Mr. Gerson's pen.
"And my mail, if you will, please," directed Mrs. Moffat with a wave towards the back room. Mr. Gerson turned back, grinning and discretely rolling his eyes at Nick as he did so.
"A gift for Mrs. Bhaer…" prodded Mrs. Moffat, obviously wanting more information. "It must be something very special."
"It is," stated Nick simply as he gathered his things and turned towards the door. "Excuse me."
"Wait!" pleaded Mrs. Moffat beginning to follow him. "What's the occasion? Is it--"
"Your mail, Mrs. Moffat!" announced Mr. Gerson as Nick escaped out the door.
"Well," mused Mrs. Moffat thoughtfully, the wheels in her head beginning to turn, "I wonder…"

"Is Emil all right, Dr. Pierce?" asked Jo as the doctor descended the stairs.
"Yes, fine," the doctor assured her. "Just a touch of the flu. It seems to be going around. He'll be over it in a few days."
"Thank goodness," sighed Jo, relieved. "I didn't think it was anything serious, but you never know…"
"Well, don't worry. He's a strong boy. As are all the Plumfield children. You take good care of them, Mrs. Bhaer."
"Thank you," answered Jo with pride.
"I wish all the children in Concord were as well cared for, " confided Dr. Pierce. "I just came from a visit where I wasn't able to give such good news."
"Oh no!" a concerned look came across Jo's face. "Not Jimmy Barber?"
"I'm afraid so. He's much worse, and with no one really capable of caring for him… Well, it's always a tragedy with one so young."

Nat and Nan peeked their heads into the room. "Emil? Are you okay?" asked Nan.
"What did the doctor say?" inquired Nat.
Emil struggled to sit up in bed and talk to his friends. "I don't know. He's talking to Mrs. Jo now."
"Is there anything we can do?"
"I'm so hot," complained Emil. "Can you ask Mrs. Jo to bring me another compress?"
"Sure, we'll be right back. Come on, Nat. Let him rest." Nan and Nat dashed out of the room and off to find Mrs. Jo. But they stopped at the top of the stairs as they heard voices coming from below.
"Are you sure there's nothing that can be done, doctor?"
"The only thing to do now is make him comfortable and let him live out his last few days happily, as if nothing was wrong."
"The poor boy!"
Nan and Nat stood at the top of the stairs with wide eyes and mouths hanging open.
"Nat!" exclaimed Nan, "Emil is dying!"