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These are the search engines that you can use to find my website. Hopefully, this list will grow and grow.

Search Yahoo:  Yahoo was the second search engine to registor my page. They put a new tag beside my page and made me first when the search word "lighthouses" was typed in. It really helped let people know about my site.

Search AltaVista:  AltaVista was the first search engine to registor my page. You can find me if you type in "mid-atlantic lighthouses" (number 33 on the search).I am not in the top two hundred for the search on "lighthouses".

Welcome to Safe Searching:  Safe Searching is a search engine where all the links are manually checked and only sites that are not considered offensive are bookmarked. You can find me if you type in "photography".This site is good especially if you want to find out some info on Hollywood stars.

These search engines search multiple search engines such as Yahoo, AltaVista, and Excite to make a master list for the search word(s) you typed in.