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hey everyone here i will be telling you all the latest news on Leslie Carter! I get my information, from Leslie herself so this is all accutate!

***Hey guys!! sorry i havnt updated in awhile there hasnt been any real news lately about Leslie, she has wrapped up her Nickalodian tour, which was a huge sucsess for her, if anyone has any reviews about that Please email them to me!:)

*** All those on the Leslie Carter street team should be getting a CD sampler with "I need to hear it from you" On it, and the single, which has been delayed quite a bit should be out soon this time for sure, and the album soon to follow:)***

*** everyone go buy Aaron's new cd because its GREAT!! and go to his walmart tour and get his siggie:)***

***Guess what? Leslies going on tour with summer with Lfo!!! what an awsome venue!!!***

***I just heard about her new cd, Nick wrote 3 of the songs for it!! So lets hope it makes the final cut!!!***

*** I recently got an email from a girl who's dad is doing the photo shoot for Leslie's cd cover, and she told me that Leslie's producer of her cd coming out soon, is Billy Chapin, BSB's old Gutiar player! cool huh!!***

*** Leslie was in superteen!!! Look at the pic!! *** Leslie hasnt been up to much latetly and i cant really update this page untill she does...but i added a new review to the review page and if you have any you can tell please please email it to me!! Happy Holidays!!!***

*** september 19th/99 i have 4 new pics of leslie! go look at the pics page!! ***
*** Leslie's website is now ready to be seen!! go to its awsome you'll love it!!***

*** IMPORTANT NEWS! leslie's cd is FINALLY done, will be relesed this fall for $12.99-u.s everywhere in the world!!! alright leslie!!!!***
***Leslie told me to tell all you fans that her album is coming along, and should be out soon, and she will be touring a month after her cd is relased***
***Leslie Carter FINALLY has an offical website just for her, she's working on it right now with her aunt and Uncle, go to but its still under construction***
*** this doesn't really have much to do with Les, but Jane and Bob Carter just celebrated there 20th wedding annaversery!! heres the pic! Leslie is the blonde one next to her dad, isn't she pretty? ***

*** Leslie Has been sighned with Dreamworks records! thats such an awsome acomplishment because its ran by Steven Speilburg!! Congrads Leslie! can't wait for your cd!!

*** Has everyone been to Nicks ( and Aaron's ( offical pages? well soon enough there will be an offcial page for Leslie too!! Keep coming back and I will keep you posted!!

***Leslie is in Flordia right now recording some new songs for her cd, she has a lovely voice, and Aaron compares it to Jewel's voice***

*** Happy Birthday Leslie!! Leslie has finally turned 13 On April 2nd!!!!! we all hope you had a good one!***
