AFpamACond Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Refrigeration Servicer
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12 Nov 1996

US Air Force, Pope AFB

Program: 21536


Work Process Schedule for the Trade of

Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Refrigeration Servicer

DOT Code: 637.261.014

AIMS Symbol: 0637

Element Work Processes Hours
A General Trade Orientation-- (1) Care and Use of Tools, Test and Measurement Devices. (2) Introduction to Refrigeration Components, Types and Sizes of Piping, Tubing, Fittings. (3) Use of Equipment Records and Reports. (4) Safety Procedures. 300
B Electrical-- (1) Fundaments of Electricity. (2) The Use of Electrical Test Equipment. (3) Types of Electrical Circuits. (4) Types and Operating Principles of Safety Devices. (5) Operating Principles of Transformers, Relays, Contactors and Motors. 200
C Fabrication of System Components-- (1) Cut and Thread Piping. (2) Flare, Bend and Shape Tubing. (3) Solder, Braze, Install Fittings and Components. (4) Care and Use of Oxyacetylene and Prestolite Torches. (5) Use of Silver and Soft Soldering. 1000
D System Installation and Connection-- (1) Install electrical connections, supply lines and cables. (2) Install water service line, air supply ducts, steam line and return line, steam traps and strainers. (3) Install pressure reduction, expansion, evaporator, and stop valves. (4) Install suction and discharge lines, gauges, dehydrators, filters, strainers and controls. 1000
E Equipment Installation-- (1) Use of slings, lines, blocks and falls, chain hoists, rollers, dollies, and skids. (2) Install condensers. (3) Prepare compressor and motor bases; install and align compressors and motors. (4) Install evaporators and other cooling oils. (5) Install and align centrifugal pumps and pump bases. 1000
F Fuels and Fuel System-- (1) Characteristics of fuel (oil, gas). (2) Types and operating principles of fuel systems. (3) Environmental concerns. (4) Inspect gas systems for leaks. (5) Troubleshoot and perform recurring maintenance; Perform operational test. 300
G Steam and Hot Water-- (1) Perform operational test. (2) Perform recurring maintenance. (3) Repair boiler and/or auxilary equipment. (4) Troubleshoot/correct malfunctions. 500
H Operation Principles of Systems Components-- Dampers, Coils, Dehumidification/Humidification Equipment, Filters. Perform Operational Test. 200
I System Maintenance-- (1) Troubleshoot field systems. (2) Test Pressure, Flow, etc. (3) Check Liquid Levels. (4) Check Repair Leaks (Freon, Liquid). (5) Purge, Dehydrate, Charge Systems. (6) Repair, Align, Adjust Fans and Blowers Sections. (7) Align Pulleys, Bearing Blocks, Belt Tension. 1000
J Equipment Repair-- (1) Disassemble and Clean, Repair/Renew, Perform Shop Tests and Test Run Compressor. (2) Repair, Pressure Test, Dehydrate Evaporators. (3) Repair Acidize Condensers, Roll Condenser Tubes. (4) Remove, Replace, Disassemble, Test, Clean, Calibrate, Renew Defective Parts on Controls of All Types: Pneumatic, Electrical, Electro-Pneumatic, Thermostatic, Humidity, Pressure and Vacuum. 2000
K Specializations-- Direct Digital Control Systems. 500
Grand Total 8000

Special Instructions: Work processes completed in a state or federally recognized apprenticeship program will be accepted upon presentation of proper documentation to the appropriate service school.

Note: All training must be in compliance with Air Force Instruction 36-2201, Developing, Managing, and Conducting Training.

Appendix B

Schedule of Related Instruction for the Trade of

Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Refrigeration Servicer

DOT Code: 637.261.014

AIMS Symbol: 0637

A total of 576 hours of related instruction is required in order to complete this program. Related instruction credit may be awarded individuals registered in the trade of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Refrigeration Servicer taken from an accredited institution, providing the courses are similar to the courses taken for a Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning Refrigeration Servicer program in a community college/vocational school.

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