~~ Welcome to KeRRi's PaGe !
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KeRRi's pAgE

~Me and Necia, chazilin' at Milligan !~

Hey, Hey! How YOU doin'?? Thanks for visiting my page! I know, I know, it HAS been a while since I last updated this stupid thing but, please keep checking back. I am goin' to try to keep it up this time! Oh,....... and don't forget to sign the guest book!! THANKS!...

* My NEW Pic PAGE!!*

~*First, some shout outs to my homies... *~!

R.J. ** hey baby.... I'm so glad our friends hooked us up... they couldn't have done a better job. I love you !

JONNY 5 ** Thanks for trying to help me with the speakers in my car even though I don't know crap. I'm also glad you have time to talk to me now on here....

Trista ** Your one of my best buds... I'm forever in debt big dawg.

Necia ** You are always in my thoughts, I miss you so much...lots of love 'cross the miles.

Brandon ** You know me so well.. better then anyone. Thanks for always being there... keep it real for me in JC.

** Now for some some GREAT links !!**

** ~*Music*~ **

* KoRn *

* Limp Bizkit*

* Disturbed *

* Linkin Park *

* JA Rule *

* Fabolous *

* Ludacris *

* Nelly *

** ~* Shopping *~ **

* Old Navy *

* Ebay *



* GAP *

* Buckle*


* CURY'S *

* Footlocker *

** ~* Autoz *~ **

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~add my e-mail address to your MSN instant messanger list~ * mcptcher@hotmail.com *

* My AOL screen name is * BAmazzed16 *