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From the time I was I small child I knew that I wanted, more than anything, to be a "Momma." At eighteen years of age I was married and pregnant and oh, so happy. I gave birth to my daughter with a midwife at my side and absolutely no painkillers because I wanted her born without drugs of any kind in her system. When my daughter turned a year old I found out that I was again pregnant.

I lost the baby less than three months into the pregnancy, but a few months later I found out that I was once again pregnant. My husband and I were elated. I went to my doctor and got a check up, and he me started on my prenatal vitamins.

Everything was fine except I lost a considerable amount of weight and went back to the doctor in the hope of finding something to ease my morning sickness. He told me that this was normal and gave me a prescription for something to help.

Well, it didn't help. By the time I was three months along I was still under the weight I was before I got pregnant. But, the doctor said that the baby was healthy and growing so I wasn't too concerned. In my fifth month of pregnancy I went for my regular check up. I told the doctor that I hadn't felt the baby move since the day before (which was highly unusual.)

He gave me a thorough exam and then placed the fetal heart monitor on my abdomen. We listened for a while, but the familiar sound of my baby's heartbeat was not there. The doctor told me that the monitor must be defective and went out of the room to find another. He came back and tried the next monitor with the same results. His concern was evident on his face and I became almost hysterical. He immediately told his nurse to have me admitted to the hospital and schedule an ultrasound.

I was checked in and later that day the doctor came in to speak with my husband, my mother and me. He informed us that there was an extremely large tumor on one of my ovaries, so large in fact that it was hiding the baby. He said that we had a few options, none of which looked promising. He recommended that I terminate the pregnancy at this point so that they could remove the tumor. I immediately said no.

The following day the nurse came to wheel me back for another test. Later, the doctor came in and stated that the second ultrasound revealed that the tumor had enlarged some and requested that I reconsider my position. I told him that I would not and asked to be released from the hospital. Needless to say, he was quite angry and said that I was playing Russian roulette with my life.

He said that he wanted to do one more ultrasound the following day to see if the tumor had enlarged any. I knew that it wasn't the ultrasound he wanted -- but rather he wanted to give everyone time to talk to me.

My husband's father called to ask me if I would mind if the elders from the church came by to give a "laying of the hands" and prayer. I told him that I thought that was a great idea. After they had come by, I called my grandmother in North Carolina and asked her to put my child and me on the prayer line. She did and within a matter of hours I had people praying for me all over the country.

The next day another ultrasound was done.

A few hours later I learned that the doctor had requested another one. I was really upset by this, because as a lot of you know an ultrasound is very uncomfortable.

That evening the doctor came in with a huge smile on his face and stated that he didn't know how or why, but that the last two ultrasounds showed that the tumor had completely vanished.

I explained to him what the elders and my grandmother had done for me.

His only words were, "God can cure some things that man can't."

My son was born on a hot August day, 7 lbs. 3 ozs., and he graduated high school almost two years ago and is a man any parent would be proud of.

I never got the five children I had always dreamed of having, but if I look into the faces of my daughter and son I know that I got the most precious miracles of all.

-- Tina, Georgia

Thanks to Heartwarmers for this Heartwarming story


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