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Classic Arcade/Video Games Emulation

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Classic Emulation

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7/11/98: I've destroyed the AOL emulation chat since AOL won't link it, with Angelfire, that's why I'm considering going to Fortune City, I just got back from New York to see some relatives that's why I didn't update my site. I added a NES Roms site.

7/6/98: I've added an emulation chat, if you have AOL you are welcome to go in and chat with whoever you may like, I'll be in their from time to time, my screenname is RzB123, so if you see RzB123 then that means I'm in there.

7/5/98: A huge update! A ton of emulators added, and to tell you the truth, I can't name them all, just please go to the More Emulators page and take everything you want, I worked until 4:00am last night putting all them emulators up, so go ahead and GET Em!

7/4/98: Happy 4th of July Everybody!!!

7/2/98: Alright Alright, I'm going to be adding missions for ATF and USNF soon, if you have any missions please send them to Me and I will gladly post them on my USNF and ATF missions page. As for emulators, still getting more.

6/28/98: N64 Emulator added! Project Unreality, It's available for download on the More Emulators section, the fonts will be also fixed for the More Emulators section, and I have a new counter, the old one was sorry, It just didn't rack up the hits that I actually had.

6/27/98: N64 emulators to be added, since I have an N64 but can't afford to buy their expensive as crap games I am adding the emulators so I can play the games for free. But what I do is none of your concern, if you want to report me to Nintendo for illegal use go ahead, because I already have an N64 with 007 Goldeneye, The emulators will be up, and I'm thinking of whether I have enough bandwith on Angelfire to add NES and SNES roms. N64 Emulators to be added, keep checking the "More Emulators" section.

6/26/98: Sorry for the misfunction of SNES Emulators, they never added to my angelfire page, (CHEAP CRAP) I'm planning on getting a page somewhere else as Tripod or Fortune City, But Now, the SNES Emulators HAVE FINALLY BEEN ADDED! Have fun downloading them, I should be adding ROMS for NES and SNES currently, I'll add ROMS for other machines later.

|NES Roms| |More Emulators| |Computer Emulators|

NES Emulators

Nofrendo v 0.58:Nofrendo, basic NES emulator that supports many ROMS.

Famicom v 1.0THE WORST NES Emulator out there, only supports ROMS in .FAM format, doesn't support other ROMS, only get this one if you collect all these things.

iNES v 0.7 (Windows only)THE BEST NES Emulator out there, supports .NES and .FAM cartriges which means it supports every cartrige available for NES, no need to really get any other emulators, this one has all the game support anyway.

Arcade Emulators

Sparcade version 2.23: It's a fair emulator, MAME is better but it runs some ROMS such as Pengo and Galaga, Ms.Pacman, MAME still has the huge advantage though, Sparcade mostly supports Atari Lynx and some other platforms such as SMS.

MAME version 0.31:The BEST Arcade emulator on the web, download it, don't waste your time on any other emulator, get this first.

Atari 2600 Emulators

Stella v 0.7: DOS Download Stella for Dos, good sound, most likely the best Atari Emulator out there, and basically one of the few Atari projects still going on.

VCS2600: Windows 3.1,95 Dos: THE BEST Atari 2600 emulator project out there, supports every single ROM the atari has, has paddle and joystick support also, supports all cartriges. This is a MUST DOWNLOAD IF YOU WANT THE BEST ATARI 2600 EMULATOR.

Stella v 0.7: Win 95/NT Stella for Windows 95/NT, runs better than Stella for Dos, and other Stellas, if you have Windows 95 download Stella for Windows 95, it runs much better.

Stella Screenshots


Adamem V 0.2:The BEST Colecovision emulator out there has been the best Colecovision emulator since it's arrival in 1996, also emulates the ADAM computer system

ColEM-Win32 v 2.11a:Cheap Coleco emulator, has many new fixes to the previous versions.

CULT- The ultimate Coleco emulator v 2.9 beta: Has sound with SB32AWE, don't know much about this one haven't played it yet, but by descriptions of it, it doesn't sound that good.

Coleco screenshots


DVE Emulator v 1.40 (MS-DOS, Windows 95 DOS Reboot): This emulator is the best and only Vectrex emulator out there, The graphics are nicely done, and for now it's the best you can get, good gameplay, it'll be hard to top this one since there aren't that many Vectrex emulators out there.

DVD Version 2.0 (200 mhz or better proccessor p 1)

DVD Version 2.0 (200 mhz or better proccessor p 2) DVD is looks a little better than DVD 1.40 for DOS, and faster than v 1.40, but basically the same, except for the current version 2.0 requires a 200 mhz Pentium II proccessor or better.


This page created and maintained by Ryan B

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better than Stella for Dos, and other Stellas, if you have Windows 95 download Stella for Windows 95, it runs much better.

Stella Screenshots
