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      All right... Check this out everyone. I know I kind of pimped this site and my other one like they're all up and stuff... But guess what... They're STILL on hiatus after all this time. Two small problems face me on this.

1) I've been ridiculously busy working for Satan the Lab Rat at "The Crappiest Place on Earth" (AKA DisneyQuest... Damn I miss the days at DWWS...), and I haven't had time to sit down and think, let alone mess around with my page.

2) I have a nearly finished product on a zip disk, but have no zip drive. If you'd like to buy one for me and mail it down here, I'd gladly accept.
      At any rate. I'm going to try to have this page up and going relatively soon, so come back by later and check things out. Thanks for stopping by.

satisfied customers since 4:00 AM, August 10th, 2003.
Make sure to hold on to your ticket and your hand stam.. Wait, what the hell am I saying?!?!?!?!?!? AAAAGGGGHHHH! Take it easy, come back later, and who knows, maybe something worthwhile will be here.