
Spittin' Jack Sanchez
The Mexican With the Big Hat. Spittin' Jack Sanchez. Ol' Jack is my favorite character in the game. He has almost everything going against him. He has the least health of any character. And no help. The next weakest character, Dr. Death, gets 2 medical bags. Ol' Jack is alot of fun though, with the fastest pistols in the game and a handful of dynamite to start. If you play with Jack, have quick reflexes. Also you should work hard to get good with dynamite. On my slow piece of crap comp. it takes 7 seconds to blow. I usually throw it at 5 or 6. Also be prepared to die. Alot.
Chief Two Feathers
Chief Two Feathers is a big guy. A BIG Guy. Chief takes lots of hits. More than anyone but Mary. His main weapon is a knife, which he starts with 7 and yields them better than anyone. He kills everyone with at least 2 stabs. Chief is the most fun to use of anyone. This may be why he is my second favorite player. People get very scared of the chief, and he can chase people down for a long time. He has great endurance. If you play with chief, be prepared for people who back up and know your tricks. But you'll have fun.
Dr. Death
The next character in the line is the Doc. Dr. Death. He seems to me to have the most powerful pistols, custom death heads. He is my third fav. He starts with those pistols, a rifle with 1 round, and his own 2 med. bags. He's pretty accurate with his rifle, but those pistols are his specialty. He drops almost anyone in 3 or 4 shots. But then we come back to the subject or those med. bags. Unless you catch him with a quick Mary blast or Injun stab expect him to stay around awhile.
Ex-Marshall James Anderson
If you like rifle, this is your man. Ex-Marshall James Anderson. If you're facing a good Anderson player and playing a spacious map you're as good as dead. The best Anderson player I've seen is WAC_Psycho. He will dot my head before I can say "Ouch!". James' rifle is head and shoulders above the rest. If you use James I advise you to conserve your rifle ammo and not to use James in close quarters maps. If you run out of rifle ammo you're kinda helpless. His pistol is horribly bad. And unlike other characters Anderson doesn't start with his best weapon equipped. But I have seen players use Anderson in close range maps. I haven't proved this, but to me Anderson is the hardest to hit while strafing. So use it to your advantage.
Bob Graham
Poor Bob Graham. He is one of the hardest to play with, probably the hardest. He starts with a double barrel shotgun, and 4 shells. First of all, you'll polish off your supply of shells in the first 30 seconds. Secondly his gun isn't necessarily that great. It's sounds weird, but the power on the double barrel is nothing compared to the single. I've only killed two people ever with the double barrel. Next, Bob is slow. I think he takes lots of shots, and I've heard his pistols aren't too horrible. But aside from that, unless you're really good steer clear of Bob.
Bloody' Mary
Mary. I hate Mary worse than anything, any character, or any map in the entire Outlaws game. She is a killing machine. An efficient one. She starts with the most powerful gun in the game in her hands. She has more health than any other Outlaws character. She puts down every character within 2 close range shots. She is stupid, first of all. She runs around with a big cigar in her mouth and has a duck alter-ego. When jumping, getting hit by bullets, or even running around she quacks. And quacks. And quacks. She has only two weaknesses. She's kinda slow and she isn't great at sniper maps. Her pistols are even good. Custom Made. I hate running around with my Sanchez shooting up to 7 shots into Marys, then she quacks all my shots off and kills me with one shotgun blast. BOOM!