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Wheel of the Year Celebrations

There are eight major Pagan holidays throughout the year. I have adapted, written and/or co-written Rituals for all of them. Here they are!

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Winter Solstice Service given at the Boone UU Fellowship, December , 2003
Spring Equinox Ritual Adapted from "The Crystal Well"


(Written in 2003, celebrated with CTC at ERUUF)

All the land is cold and quiet;
The air is chill and snow blankets the Earth.
The rivers run with ice and the hearth fire has cooled.
Will winter pass into Spring?
Will we be able to turn the wheel once more?
Each of us is but

A single
In the darkness

It is time to sweep out the old and unneeded and welcome the stirrings of life once again. But to turn the wheel, we must be a strong united force. Our belief forms our reality… Be prepared to receive messages and be open to your own voice. Think carefully about what you want to dedicate yourself to this coming year. Are you willing to take the Challenge of the Goddess? Are you completing the Challenge you took last year and planning on continuing? If you want to do either of these, please contact me before Saturday, February 1 and we will honor your journey. Be sure to bring your candles and other tools for our annual blessing. It is also time to say goodbye to the Steering Committee members who are stepping down and welcome those stepping up.

Ritual Outline

All receive a tea candle and cloth bag, then enter room that is dark except for a single lit candle in the Center. Stand outside the altars.


All the land is cold and quiet;
The air is chill and snow blankets the Earth.
The rivers run with ice and the hearth fire has cooled.
Will winter pass into Spring?
Will we be able to turn the wheel once more?
Each of us is but
A single
In the darkness

Call Directions

East comes in with an unlit candle, lights it from the Center candle. Ad lib East call, include: Air, intelligence, breath, etc. End by sad words about being alone. Stand with head down when finished.

South comes in, lights candle from the Center. Ad lib: Fire, passion, sexuality, etc. End by sad words about being alone. Stand with head down when finished.

West comes in, lights candle from Center, ad lib: Water, feelings, blood, etc. End by sad words about being alone. Stand with head down when finished.

North comes in, lights candle from Center, ad lib: Earth, stability, body, etc. End by sad words about being alone. Stand with head down when finished.

Goddess and God

(from outside the room) “Look, here’s a good meadow!” “By that stream?” “Yes, down there in the glen.” Come into the room, bringing in Brigid and male staff … “Yes, it is private and the perfect place for Bridget to lay…” laugh “And to receive her consort…” pile soft furs in the basket, “As life stirs in her belly…” “Her hot belly…” etc. place the doll and staff in the bed, light the red and green candles and welcome the Goddess and God.

Big sigh from the Elementals, Goddess and God notice how sad they are. They say they are alone… no one listens to them or looks for them. Talk to them, tell them we have not been forgotten, we are still remembered, and more and more people are remembering us. We call Center this way as we speak to each Elemental . “You are their breath!” “And you, their sexuality…” “As we have called to this very bed tonight!” “Where would they be with out love and compassion?” “The bodies they live and laugh in are made of Earth.” “We call Center…” “We call Center”

Elementals, Goddess, God (circling the bed, holding hands): “Center…” “Air…” “Center…” “Fire…” “Center…” “Water…” “Center…” “Earth…” “Center…” “Spirit…” …tone… Participants can join in.


“See? We have not been forgotten. Here, take this flame and find some of those who still know us.” Lights Elemental’s candle and the chant begins. The rest of the Elementals fade back into the circle.

As each person lights the person’s candle next to them, they place their candle on one of the altars around the room and form a circle inside the altars. Each begins the chant softly as soon as their candle is lit…

“We are the flow and we are the ebb,
We are the weavers, we are the web.”

Goddess and God light the briquettes as light is passed around the circle and chant continues, then fade back into the circle.

Goddess (when all have lit their candle and stand within the altar circle):
“With our light
This sacred space is cast tonight.”

Goddess and God: “Life stirs.”
“Preparing to be born.”
“It is time…”
“Time to leave behind what belongs behind.”
“Think of what you want to leave behind…”
“Breathe it into the smoke and let it go…”
(Place incense on briquette)
“Now I leave Winter. Now I welcome Spring.”
Each sprinkles incense on the briquette, takes the smoke around the circle.
As the incense comes around, each person is encouraged to breathe their banishing into the smoke rising up and away.
Goddess and God open doors briefly, letting the cold air in.

Elementals go quickly around circle with broom, wing, rattle, snow water and drum to cleanse.

Challenge of the Goddess Goddess and God meet in the Center again:
“Brid is come, Brid is welcome.” (repeat 3X)
Light the orange and green candles.
All who are taking up, completing or continuing the Challenge come forward.

Goddess and God:

“What do we have in store for the coming year?”
“What do we have to look forward to?”
“Let us receive our hints…”
“… our suggestions and allusions…”
“From the Elementals.”

Pentacle Walking Meditation The beans have been placed on each altar and the slow, meditative walking begins until all beans are gone. Beans are placed in bags around each person’s neck.

Candle and Tool Blessing Elementals, Goddess and God bless by gathering around table with candles, tools and beans.
Participants join hands and begin walking deosil.
Celebrants begin walking widdershins to cleanse the items of any negative energies while whispering “banish, cleanse, all negativity leave, etc…”
Celebrants stop, then begin walking deosil and repeat the Center Call to bless. The Goddess opens the circle, the last celebrant takes the hand of one of the participants to make one long line and…

Spiral Dance To empower our challenges, our banishing, our creative endeavors, and our bag ‘o beans.

Grounding Pass chalice with melted snow water in it around.

Steering Committee Change Handled by the Steering Committee.

Release Directions

North thanks Earth, stability, the body, etc.
We stand firmly on the Earth we share with each other. (blow out candle.)

West thanks Water, feelings, blood, etc.
We feel the blood all of us share flow through us. (blow out candle)

South thanks Fire, passion, sexuality, etc.
We all share the single flame of Divinity within us. (blow out candle)

East thanks Air, intelligence, breath, etc.
We share the very Air we breathe with each other. (blow out candle)

Goddess and God un make the bed of Bridget and her consort, blow out the candle, while thanking them for their presence.

Release Circle “By the Earth that is her Body,
By the Waters of her living womb,
By the Fire of her bright spirit,
And by the Air that is her breath,
This circle is open,
But unbroken.
May the peace of the Lord and Lady go in our hearts,
We merry meet, merry part and
Merry meet again!
Blessed be.”

Here are some photos from Imbolc at CTC 2001...

Including Pan-of-the-furry-pants (David).

Ostara (Spring Equinox)

(Written in 2002, celebrated with CTC at Kumasi Hill)

Day equals night at this time, but the light will dominate soon. At this time of precise balance, as we come out of the restful time of dark and move outward back into the world of active growth and movement, what do you need from the Elements to make your foundation solid? Balance is a shifting, ever changing relation within you between the Elements and what they represent, but none stand alone. Ask yourself what you need from each of the Elements, and what you are grateful for. You will have an opportunity to walk with each Element and have a chance to consult with the Guardians of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit. Be prepared to ask what you will, but be sure of what you ask, as the answer may be what you need to hear, and not what you want to hear!


Come through purifying sage

Cast circle

When everyone is in the circle, the drummers begin their soft heartbeats, all different. As the Elemental they are drumming for dies, they stop drumming. When the Elemental lives again, they begin their drumming again.

East Call:
East is here,
Blowing clean and clear our minds.
The mind, the intellect.
Through me, all things are understood,
All things are possible.
I bring thoughtfulness, wisdom,
Without me, all Elements are without leadership.
I… (pauses, falters) I am that which…
(drops to knees) I feel tired,
I have no passion to feed my mind…

South Call:
Sister East, your mind cannot exist without passion.
(goes, eases East down to ground as she dies)
There is nothing that exists that can continue without me.
I am the heart that beats, the song sung lustily,
The goal won with hard work,
Flames of transformation, courage
I am… (pauses, falters) I am the most…
(falls) I am tired,
I feel in need of rest.

West Call:
You need what only I, the Waters of the West, can give,
Brother South.
(Holds South as he dies)
The coolness of my dusk brings
Rest and relief from the fire of summer.
I bring love and compassion,
For what is life without these?
I am the corner stone of all the Elements,
The embodiment of all that is most important,
I am… (pauses, falters) It is I who…
(falls) Need rest

North Call:
Then rest, Sister West, in the cold arms of winter,
Here in the Earth-body of the Mother, North country, white country.
(holds West as she dies)
It is here in the body of the Mother that you began this life,
And here you return.
I am the completion of the circle;
The beginning and the end.
I am the body.. (pauses, falters) I am…
(falls) Simply soil, unlived in by soul…

Center Call:
Center is here, Sister North.
(holds North while she dies)
That which is shared by all things.
The Spirit that inhabits all creatures, great and small.
I am that which holds all things together…
(pauses, falters) But alone, there is no purpose.
Without the other parts of the web, I am a lone spark,
Tiny in the infinite nothingness…
(falls gracefully to ground)

Laughter in the woods. Goddess and God enter, unaware. They are shocked and saddened, then revive each Elemental with the help of those that have been revived. When each Elemental lives again, take a big dramatic breath to signal your drummer.

East: breath and bell
South: East follows Goddess/God to South, hands over lighter for them to light votive in bowl
West: South hands Goddess/God flowers to dip into water and sprinkle on West
North: West pours a little water into the earth bowl and Goddess/God paint the mud on Gwen’s face.

Center/Spirit. It will take all the Elementals, the Goddess and God, as well as all the participants to revive Center/Spirit. Goddess takes the hand of an Elemental, “I am Artimis. I give you my hand. Together we form a strong circle and we can bring Spirit back to life.” Elemental takes hand of another Elemental, repeats, then on to participants, until all are holding hands around the circle. When the circuit is complete, we begin chanting:
“Earth my body,
Water my blood,
Air my breath and
Fire my spirit.”

Spirit lives! All Elementals form a circle, hug and smile and laugh at each other, then go out into the woods, to their stations. When the participants start to come, they will need to be counseled very quickly. They will ask you something or make a statement. As you give them the card, rune or sliver, you can say anything that comes into your head; anything that is divinely inspired, or nothing at all if you would rather. Then escort them to the next part of the Path. Each time we hear a crash (which will happen in South) another person will be sent through. That should give enough time between participants—unless someone is taking longer than they should. Each of you need to choose some sort of divination method for the participant. Elementals chose miniature tarot cards, broken bottle shard, runes and I Ching. Each participant will have a small bag to put these tokens in.

The chant is continued, participants go on the path in order around the circle. When they emerge, they will circle the fire pit, doing the dance that goes with this chant:
“We are the flow and
We are the ebb.
We are the weavers,
We are the web.”

The chants continue until all have been with each Element. When all have passed through and the Elementals are with us again in the circle, we change begin the spiral dance to empower our visions. This will be signaled by the change in drum rhythm.

Ground and center.

Cakes and Ale. Fruity water and lemonade.

Directions released. This time, we will start with North and end with Center. When the Elementals speak, look around at the participants, look into their eyes, talk to them, not off into the woods some place.

North Release:
(dot mud on forehead of the person next to them, pass bowl of mud around circle)
I am Earth,
I reside in your body,
Connecting you to Mother Gaia,
Helping you to feel her within you.
I am Earth;
You are Earth.
All are Earth.
(blow out candle)
Blessed Be.

West Release: (Sprinkles water on the person next to them, pass bowl of water around)
I am Water,
I live in your blood,
Helping you to feel the rhythm of all life.
I am Water;
You are Water.
All are Water.
(blow out candle)
Blessed Be.

South Release:
(gives cinnamon to person next to them, pass around)
I am Fire
I burn in your soul,
The spark of Divine that lives in all things.
I am Fire;
You are Fire.
All are Fire.
(blow out candle)
Blessed Be.

East Release:
(blows bubbles onto person next to them, pass around)
I am Air,
I fill your lungs,
The breath shared by all things.
I am Air;
You are Air.
All are Air.
(blow out candle)
Blessed Be.

I am Sprit;
I reside in the center of each of you,
Connecting the Elements to you,
Helping you reach out and feel the Sacred Web
That you are an important and valuable part of.
I am Spirit,
You are Spirit.
(gives hand to person next to her, goes around the circle)
All are Spirit.
(blow out candle)
Blessed Be.

Circle released.


(This Ritual I wrote with two friends of mine, David and Shawn. We came up with the calls together and worked out most of the details as well. It was written and celebrated with CTC at Kumasi Hill in 2002?)

People will enter through the iron gate and be smudged. At the other side of the gate they will be given their garlands. Proceed to the fire pit.

Everyone will choose a ribbon, cut about 3 feet of it off, then tie it onto a short length of rope. The length of rope will then be tied around the top of the Maypole.

Directions will be called:

East (Tim and Larry):
B: Guardians of the East,
T: Element of Air,
B: Help us to recognize our own sexuality.
T: Protect this Circle with a whirlwind of delight
(Light East torch)
Both: Hail and Welcome

South (Silhouette and Nathan):
S: Guardians of the South,
N: Element of Fire,
S: Give us the will to claim our sexuality without shame,
N: Protect this Circle with an inferno of passion.
(Light South torch)
Both: Hail and Welcome

West (Tamia and Sharon):
S: Guardians of the South,
T: Element of Fire.
S: Give us the courage to express our sexuality
T: Protect this Circle with waves of ecstasy
(Light South torch)
Both: Hail and Welcome

North (Lori and Greg):
L: Guardians of the North,
G: Element of Earth.
L: Give us the strength to celebrate our sexuality
G: Protect this Circle with volcanos of desire
(Light North torch)
Both: Hail and Welcome

Center (Brydie and Dick):
D: Guardians of Center
B: Element of Spirit
D: Help us to honor the Divine in all acts of sex and passion,
B: Draw us together within the intense Spirit

God (David):

Goddess (Shawn):

Cast Circle with saber (Gryph):
Here is the boundary of our sacred Circle,
Naught but love may enter in,
Naught but love shall emerge from within.
Charge this by your powers, Old Ones

While sitting or standing people will weave there desires into their garlands with the short ribbon they cut earlier.

When people are ready, one by one they will leap the fire (if they want to) while naming out loud or to themselves, what they cast into the fire to burn that is blocking their way to achieving their desire. Others in the circle will support them by chanting:

In the fire, in the fire,
Gonna burn my burdens in the fire,

Give it up to Kali, give it up to Kali,
Give it up to Kali, give it up!

RJ will begin playing the digerrdo when all have jumped the fire. This will be a signal to everyone to gather around the fire and pick up the rope that is laid around the pit. We will be rasing energy into the rope that knots were tied in at the Equinox. We will circle the fire holding the rope and, when the time is right, raise it up, then cast it into the fire. We will chant:

Burn Fire, burn bright.
Your vision come to us,
Guide our path tonight,
With your strength and light.

We will go to the Maypole and pick a ribbon.

Silhouette will explain how to do the Maypole and we will begin chanting while weaving our desires onto the Maypole. At the end we will be very close together and send out our desires to the universe. Then we will ground.

We will return to the fire pit and release the Directions:

Center (Brydie and Dick):
D: Guardians of Center
B: Element of Spirit
D: Help us to always honor the Divine in all acts of sex and passion,
B: Help us to feel our connection to Spirit
Both: Hail and Farewell.

North (Lori and Greg):
L: Guardians of the North,
G: Element of Earth.
L: Thank you for the strength to celebrate our sexuality
G: Thank you for your presence, protection, and volcanos of desire
(Snuff North torch)
Both: Hail and Farewell

West (Tamia and Sharon):
S: Guardians of the South,
T: Element of Fire.
S: Thank you for the courage to express our sexuality
T: Thank you for your presence, protection and waves of ecstasy
(Snuff South torch)
Both: Hail and Farewell

South (Silhouette and Nathan):
S: Guardians of the South,
N: Element of Fire,
S: Thank you for the will to claim our sexuality without shame,
N: Thank you for your presence, protection and the inferno of passion.
(Snuff South torch)
Both: Hail and Farewell

East (Tim and Bill):
B: Guardians of the East,
T: Element of Air,
B: Thank you for helping us to recognize our own sexuality.
T: Thank you for your presence, protection and the whirlwind of delight
(Snuff East torch)
Both: Hail and Farewell

Goddess (Shawn):

God (David):

Release Circle (Gryph)
All join hands:
This Circle is open,
But never broken.
May the peace of the Lord and Lady go in our hearts,
We merry meet,
Merry part,
And merry meet again!
Blessed be!


Midsummer (Summer Solstice): Celebrating Man

(I wrote this with Dick in 2000 and celebrated with CTC at Kumasi Hill)

All gather, enter through gate, between smudge pots. Circle around fire pit.

Call Directions:

Power of the East, Element of Air,
Spirit of the Warrior, come to us here.
Bring to us courage and discernment.
Teach us endurance and decisiveness.
Show how to be aggressive when it is appropriate.
Help us to recognize and control the tendency for cruelty within us.
Warrior, honored part of us all,
Hail and welcome.
(Light torch)
Blessed be.

Powers of South, Element of Fire,
Spirit of the Lover, come to us here.
Bring to us your sensitivity to beauty and the outer world.
Teach us to be sensual and passionate without shame.
Show us the world in a grain of sand.
Help us to avoid addiction and dependencies.
Lover, honored part of us all,
Hail and welcome.
(Light torch)
Blessed be.

Power of the West, Element of Water,
Spirit of the Magician, come to us here.
Bring to us insight and wholeness.
Teach us to access the secrets of our physical and spiritual worlds.
Show us how to shape the powers of the universe
Help us avoid the use of power to carelessly or deliberately hurt others.
Magician, honored part of us all,
Hail and welcome.
(Light torch)
Blessed be.

Power of the North, Element of Earth,
Spirit of the King, come to us here.
Bring to us experience, wisdom and compassion.
Teach us to get our own house in order before trying to run the kingdom.
Show us how to mentor our young men.
Help us avoid vanity and tyranny.
King, honored part of us all,
Hail and welcome.
(Light torch)
Blessed be.

Power of Center, Element of Community,
Spirit of Balance, come to us here.
Teach us to honor men.
Show us how to accept and access the masculine parts of our beings.
Help us see all men as sacred beings rather than archetypes.
Great Spirit, honored part of us all,
Hail and welcome.
(Throw 1/2 of the resin into flame)
Blessed be

Cast circle:
With our hands
And with our love
This circle is cast
And sealed,
So mote it be.

Slow drum beat starts, people begin walking around fire pit, at a distance. People think about their feelings and experiences about Man.

One by one they are led out of the circle by the Guide to sit in a chair. Here they will choose the bag of herbs that represent what they need to let go of, which will be burned later.

When they see a person leave the cave, they will turn the timer and, when all the sand has run out, will enter the cave to speak with the Being there. They will talk and listen to this Being about their feelings, thoughts and experiences about Man and Men.

Each is given a medallion (with ashes in it from Beltaine that include the burned ropes tied with power at the Equinox), by the Being. This medallion represents all the positive aspects about Men.

After emerging from the cave, the person will be led through the ring of people still quietly walking to the Fire Pit by the Guide.

Guide: strikes chime

Dancing and Chanting in the circle stops. The Gate Keeper comes to the gate, faces the Guide.

This person has meditated about Man
And has chosen what they wish to let go of;
See their bag to be burned?
They have spoken to the Being in the Cave.
See, they have the medallion.
They are ready for your challenge, Gate Keeper.

Gate Keeper:
"What have you brought to cast into the Fire?"

Person responds.

Gate Keeper:
"What have you come to celebrate?"

Person responds.

If the Gate Keeper sees the person is serious and ready, he will let them in.

People there will help the person to burn their burden and then they will join the dancing and chanting.

When all have joined the group at the Fire, the Being in the Cave will come out, burn his burden and celebrate.

Spiral Dance. Led by Dick to empower a male formed candle with all our love, excitement, wonder and gratitude for Man and the Masculine. Dick will throw the candle into the Fire at the height of our power raising and send out this energy of love and goodwill to man into the universe.

CAKES AND ALE blessing:

Dick on knees holding chalice
Gryph lifts Dick to his feet, kisses him, then:
"As the athame is to the male,
So the cup is to the female,
And conjoined,
They become one in truth."

With Dick & Gryph's hands still on the chalice, Gryph takes a sip, then Dick takes a sip.

Dick hands the rest around the circle.

Gryph on knees holding cakes
Dick lifts Gryph to her feet, kisses her, then:
"O Queen most secret,
Bless this food into our bodies,
Bestowing health, wealth, strength, joy, and peace,
And that fulfillment of love which is perfect happiness."

Dick gives Gryph a cake, Gryph gives Dick a cake, Gryph passes the rest around the circle.

Release Directions:

Power of Center, Element of Community,
Spirit of Balance,
We thank you for your presence here.
Help us to continue to see all men as sacred beings.
Great Spirit, honored part of us all,
Hail and farewell.
(Throw rest of resin into fire)
Blessed be.

Power of the North, Element of Earth,
Spirit of the King,
We thank you for your presence here.
For your experience, wisdom and compassion.
King, honored part of us all,
Hail and farewell.
(Snuff torch)
Blessed be.

Power of the West, Element of Water,
Spirit of the Magician,
We thank you for your presence here.
Help us to shape the powers of the universe with insight.
Magician, honored part of us all,
Hail and farewell.
(Snuff torch)
Blessed be.

Powers of South, Element of Fire,
Spirit of the Lover,
We thank you for your presence here.
Help us to be sensual and passionate without shame.
Lover, honored part of us all,
Hail and farewell.
(Snuff torch)
Blessed be.

Power of the East, Element of Air,
Spirit of the Warrior,
We thank you for your presence here.
Help us to be courageous, and aggressive when it is appropriate.
Warrior, honored part of us all,
Hail and farewell.
(Snuff torch)
Blessed be.

Release Circle:
This circle is open, but not broken.
May the peace of the Lord and Lady go in our hearts.
We merry meet, merry part and merry meet again.
Blessed be.



(Written in 2003, celebrated with CTC at ERUUF. This one holds special meaning for me, as it is the last Ritual I did with CTC before moving to Boone.)

One of the meanings of Lugh comes from “lugio” meaning “an oath.” In addition to celebrating the First Harvest, be prepared to make a solemn oath to the entity that you must be the most honest with—yourself. What will you harvest that will aid you in making it to the spring again? What oath will you take that will help you in walking your path? Consider how the Elements—Air, Fire, Water and Earth can support you. Each has various resources that can aid you in making, then carrying out your oath to yourself.

One oath
Directions and their attributes will support your oath—they have resources
Corn necklaces—focus your energies silently when creating your Sacred Corn Necklace
Complete addresses on envelopes

“We are a circle,
Within a circle,
With no beginning
And never ending.”

Cast Circle Goddess and God cast circle together (while chanting continues), God holding saber. They stop at each Directional, God stands firmly, holding saber, Goddess bows, speaks quietly to Directional, Directional whispers back, bows to Goddess. Goddess takes the saber and God’s hand and they continue to the next Directional. When the entire circle has been completed, God puts saber back in sheath, they rejoin the circle.
“With our hands and with our love,
This circle is cast and sealed.
So mote it be.”

Call Directions

“I fill your lungs, I caress meadows of grass and flowers. I can bless you with a cool wind or destroy you with the power of a tornado. Which do you choose?”

“I burn in your hearth, I cook your food and provide the mystery of flames. I can keep you warm or destroy you with raging fire. Which do you choose?”

West: “I move through the Earth, fill the Air, slide against the coasts. I can fall gently on your fields or wipe even the memory of your passing from the world. Which do you choose?”

“I press humbly against your feet, I produce grain for you to eat. I can give you sweet fruit, sticky juices running down your face, or cause mountains to fall and islands to rise with a shrug. Which do you choose?”

Welcome Goddess and God
God: “Come to us, Great Mother, and rest. You have labored long and hard to produce food and clothing for us; now it is time for us to harvest what you have provided. The wheat is weighed down with grain and the flax stands tall in the fields. Let us work while you eat, drink and relax, for once again you have provided all that we need. Blessed be to the Great Mother!”

All: Blessed be to the Great Mother!”

Goddess: “Come to us, Green Man, Lord of the woods and wild things. Put down your horn and relax. Let me caress the sweat from your brow and, here, drink deep from our mead. It is time for us to put by what we need for the coming months. You have worked hard for us and the wild beasts and flocks are healthy and populous. You have provided all that we need. Blessed be to the Green God of the woods!”

All: “Blessed be to the Green God of the woods!”

The Blessings of the Directions and Goddess and God encourage participants to look into the container of corn that will later be used to make their necklaces.

“The wisdom of Air is yours to call on.”
Wave censor around participant.

“The courage of Fire is yours to call on.”
Circle participant’s face with candle.

“The love and compassion of Water is yours to call on.”
Anoint participant with cedar twig and water.

“The strength of Earth is yours to call on.”
Smear moist earth on third eye.

Goddess and God:
“Behold the mystery; the beginning and the end of all life.”
Show corn.

All sit for meditation

Relax… breath.

It is the beginning of harvest… much to do, all are busy. That which you have planted in the earth, or your body, watered, nurtured, maybe with your own sweat and tears, tended by your determination and persistence and passion, grown with your wisdom, is now ready to harvest. The days are still longer than the night, but they are getting shorter and you can feel the soft touch of autumn, gentle on your face. This is a time to begin to focus inward, traditionally a time for making promises, business transactions for the coming year. And time to make your autumn oath to yourself. As you work to lay in what you will need to get you through till spring, think about what you need for your spiritual growth and personal comfort. This oath is personal—this is for you; not your friends, not your family—you. As you grow and move positively on your path, it brings all the Sacred Web further on the path as well.

First participant is taken to the East.
90 seconds for each participant

Elemental Prompts

Bring to mind and focus on the oath you are making to yourself and sealing tonight. I am Air and hold the resources of intellect and wisdom. People come to me for freedom, flight, imagination and inspiration. What is your oath and what do you want from me to help you fulfill your oath and reach your goal?

Bring to mind and focus on the oath you are making to yourself and sealing tonight. I am Fire and hold the resources of transformation and courage. People come to me for passion, motivation, etc. What is your oath and what do you want from me to help you fulfill your oath and reach your goal?
Bring to mind and focus on the oath you are making to yourself and sealing tonight. I am Water and I hold the resources of love and compassion. People come to me for forgiveness of themselves and others, self worth and confidence. What is your oath and what do you want from me to help you fulfill your oath and reach your goal?

Bring to mind and focus on the oath you are making to yourself and sealing tonight. I am Earth and I hold the resources of strength. People come to me for persistence, determination, and solid foundation. What is your oath and what do you want from me to help you fulfill your oath and reach your goal?

Help participant to word their oath according to the Directional resource available onto color-coded paper.

Goddess and God is last station.
Chime each 90 seconds.
Takes participant to private area, asks in an intimidating way,
“What is your oath?”
Participant answers.
“What resources do you have to call on?”
Participant responds with Directional resources.
Seat participant on the throne, kneel, explain they are the ones that must make this happen, drawing on the resources of the Directions and Divinity. Take their photo, put it (undeveloped) and the Directional papers into envelope, seal with wax and ring, put into cauldron.

Spiral Dance to empower necklaces and what is in the cauldron. This is our harvest, this is what we take with us into the darkness.

Cakes and Ale

Ale Blessing:
God: “Blessed be the Goddess, whose womb brings forth all that we need to live and be happy.”
Goddess: “Blessed be the God, whose seed is the beginning and ending of all life.”

Cakes Blessing:
God: “We partake of the First Harvest,”
Goddess: “And give thanks to those that fall and shall rise again.”

Thank Goddess and God

God: “Great Goddess, we thank you for the work you have done and gifts you have given us. Help us to understand that we have all that we need. Hail and farewell. Blessed be.

Goddess: “Green God of the woods and fields, we thank you for the work you have done and the gifts you have given us. Help us to understand that we have all that we need. Hail and farewell. Blessed be.”

Release Directions

“With every step you take upon my surface, remember your oath. My strength is your own as you walk your path. I leave this place, but I am always with you. Hail and farewell. Blessed be.”

“When you feel the rain or see the water, remember your oath. My love and compassion is your own as you walk your path. I leave this place, but I am always with you. Hail and farewell. Blessed be.”

“When you are warm, and it is cold outside, remember your oath. My courage is your own as you walk your path. I leave this place, but I am always with you. Hail and farewell. Blessed be.”

“With every wind that caresses your face, remember your oath. My wisdom is your own as you walk your path. I leave this place, but I am always with you. Hail and farewell. Blessed be.”

Release Circle
By the Earth that is her body,
By the Water of her living womb,
By the Fire of her bright spirit,
And by the Air that is her breath.
This circle is open but never broken,
May the peace of the Lord and Lady go with us,
We merry meet, merry part,
And merry meet again!
Blessed be!

Autumn Equinox (Mabon)

(Written and celebrated with CTC at Kumasi Hill 2002)

Night equals day at this time, but the dark will dominate soon. At this time of precise balance as we come out of the active time of light and move inward into the world of our quiet selves, what do you need from the Elements to make your foundation solid for the coming dark? Balance is a shifting, ever changing relation between the Elements and what they represent. Ask yourself what you need from each of the Elements, and what you are grateful for. You will be visiting each of them in their own realm and will have a chance to consult with the Guardians of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit. Be prepared to ask what you will, and be open to the wisdom they will share.


Practice the chants at the gate for a time (to let Artemis and Cernnunous get ready)

Come through the smudge and circle around the fire pit. Artimis and Cernunnous will be there, engaging in winter type activities. They do not see the participants.

Directions are called.

Hail, Guardians of the East,
Spirits of Air.
Be with us as the wind grows cold,
Help us to feel the promise of returning warmth in our breaths.
East and Air,
Hail and Welcome.
(light torch)
Blessed be.

Hail, Guardians of the South,
Spirits of Fire.
Be with us as the sun dims and withdraws it warmth,
Help us to feed our inner flame in the months ahead.
South and Fire,
Hail and welcome.
(light torch)
Blessed Be.

Hail, Guardians of the West,
Spirits of Water.
Be with us as the warm summer rain gives way to sleet, ice and snow.
Help us to feel the memory of the warm rain in our blood.
West and Water,
Hail and welcome.
(light torch)
Blessed be.

Hail, Guardians of the North,
Spirits of Earth.
Be with us as the earth slumbers,
Help us to honor the slowing rhythms of our own bodies.
North and Earth,
Hail and welcome.
(light torch)
Blessed be.

Hail, Guardians of Center,
Spirit that we share with all.
Be with us as we nurture our spirits through the quiet winter months.
Help us to be consciously aware of our valuable place in the Sacred Web.
Center and Spirit,
Hail and welcome.
(throw resin on fire)
Blessed be.

Cast Circle:
With our hands and with our love,
This circle is cast and sealed.
So mote it be.

(Artemis and Cernnunous react to the circle being cast-- shudder, ask each other if they felt something.)

The participants gain the attention of Artemis and Cernunnous by chanting:

“We all come from the Goddess”
We all come from the Goddess
And to her we will return,
Like a drop of rain,
Flowing to the ocean.

“Hoof and Horn”
Hoof and Horn, hoof and horn,
All that dies shall be reborn.
Corn and grain, Corn and grain,
All that falls shall rise again.

The Directional folks will ask A and C how they can attune to the seasons and they will tell them to look inside.

A and C will lead them to become relaxed, talk about the slower times ahead in winter. Give out necklaces. This will be the cue to begin the guided meditation (lead by the Directional folks). Then each Direction begins their part of the guided meditation, A and C will light a particular incense and waft it around the circle.

Fall Equinox Journey

Cernnunous begins to drum.

All those gathered here, make yourselves comfortable and prepare to journey to realms to confer with beings of knowledge and wisdom. Do not waste this opportunity; listen to their wisdom and ask what you will, but be prepared for their truth. Hold tight to your talismans; it is your safe pass into and out of these distant places. Close your eyes and go deep into yourselves. Feel your breath as is enters your body, then exits. Become aware of the warmth inside yourself. The blood flowing steady through your veins. Feel your feet upon the Mother, and the presence of the Great Spirit around you. (pause)


Air Journey

Prepare yourself to enter the sacred place of Air. This is a time for introspection, thinking your own individual thoughts. Come into this airy place, filled with sharp, clear, cold wind. (pause 30 seconds) Become aware of a being here… a being representing the wisdom and knowledge of Air… listen and speak with this being. Ask what you will… (pause 3 minutes)

(3 shakes of rattle)

Chant (3X):
Wearing my long wing feathers as I fly,
Wearing my long wing feathers as I fly,
I circle around, I circle around,
The boundaries of the Earth,
The boundless universe.


Fire Journey

Prepare yourself to enter the sacred place of Fire. This is a time to feed your soul fire as the days get shorter. Come into this place and look into the small fire. (pause 30 seconds) There is another here… a being with the knowledge and wisdom of Fire… listen and speak with this being. Ask what you will… (pause 3 minutes)

(3 shakes of rattle)

Burn fire, burn bright.
Your vision come to me,
Guide my path tonight,
With your strength and light.


Water Journey

Prepare yourself to enter the sacred place of Water. This is a time to sit still and silent, to let your creativity flow. Come into this place of clean cold water, frozen lakes and sparkling ice covered branches (pause 30 seconds). You sense someone else here… a being who knows the Water and can impart its wisdom to you… listen and speak with this being. Ask what you will… (pause 3 minutes)

(3 shakes of rattle)

The river, she is flowing,
Flowing and growing,
The River she is flowing,
Down to the sea.
Mother carry me,
Your child I will always be.
Mother carry me, down to the sea.


Earth Journey

Prepare yourself to enter the place of Earth. Her body is moist and cool, her rhythm slowing. She sleeps as the nights get longer and will awaken again. (pause 30 seconds) Another being shares this place with you. A being who follows the cycles closely and can teach you Earth’s wisdom… listen and speak with this being. Ask what you will… (pause 3 minutes)

(3 shakes of rattle)


Where I sit is holy,
Holy is the ground,
Forest, mountain, river,
Listen to the sound.
Great Spirit circle all around me.


Spirit Journey

Prepare yourself to enter the place of Spirit. This is a place that exists everywhere… and no where. Where who you are inside is what is reflected outside (pause 30 seconds) All the beings from the Directions are here with you. They are all around you, circling you with love and acceptance… feel their presence as they gather closely about you. Recognize that each of these wise ones is actually a part of yourself. Welcome them into yourself, feel yourself become whole… (pause 3 minutes)

(3 shakes of rattle)

We are flow and
We are the ebb
We are the weavers,
We are the web.

Slow spiral meditation to empower their white bead necklaces.

Cakes and Ale

Release Directions

North… Earth.
We thank you for your presence at this place and time.
Be with us as our bodies slow to your cycles in these long nights.
Hail and farewell.
(snuff torch)
Blessed be.

West… Water.
We thank you for your presence at this place and time.
Be with us as we sit quietly with our creativity.
Hail and farewell.
(snuff torch)
Blessed be.

South… Fire.
We thank you for your presence at this place and time.
Be with us as we nurture our flames in these short days.
Hail and farewell.
(snuff torch)
Blessed be.

East… Air.
We thank you for your presence at this place and time.
Be with us as we explore our own inner thoughts.
Hail and farewell.
(snuff torch)
Blessed be.

Center… Spirit.
We thank you for your presence at this place and time.
Be with us as we sit, aware of the web around us,
Holding us and protecting us and surrounding us with love and light.
Hail and farewell.
(throw incense into fire)
Blessed be.

Artemis thanks Cernnunous. Cernnunous thanks Artemis.

Circle release:
By the Earth that is her body,
By the Water of her living womb,
By the Fire of her bright spirit,
And by the Air that is her breath.
This circle is open but never broken,
May the peace of the Lord and Lady go with us,
We merry meet, merry part,
And merry meet again!
Blessed be!

CTC Samhain

(Written in 2000, celebrated with CTC at Kumasi Hill)

After the teaching, people proceed through the gate and smudge pots to the maypole where they gather in a circle.

Gryph (takes saber from table):
Here is the boundary of our sacred circle,
Naught but good shall enter in,
Naught but good shall emerge from within.
Evil shall find no purchase,
No entry.
Charge this by your powers, Old Ones.

All: Charge this by your powers, Old Ones.

(Repeat for all four directions, driving saber into earth at North)

So mote it be.

All: So mote it be.

Chant: We are a circle

East Call:
Hail, Guardians of the East,
Element of Air.
Be with us as our breath escapes
Us for the last time.
Help us to see that we will have breath again,
in another place and another time.
Hail and welcome.
(Light East torch)
Blessed Be.

South Call:
Hail, Guardians of the South,
Element of Fire.
Be with us as the fire within
Dwindles... dwindles... then is snuffed.
Help us to see that we will burn again,
In another place and another time.
Hail and welcome.
(Light South torch)
Blessed Be.

West Call:
Hail, Guardians of the West,
Element of Water.
Be with us as our blood slows...
Then stops flowing through our veins.
Help us to see that our blood will flow again,
In another place and another time.
Hail and Welcome.
(Light West torch)
Blessed be.

North Call;
Hail, Guardians of the North,
Element of Earth.
Be with us as our bodies grow cold.
Help us to see that we will grow warm again,
In another place and another time.
Hail and Welcome
(light North torch)
Blessed be.

Center Call:
Hail, Guardians of the Center,
Element of Spirit.
Be with us as our spirits leave our physical home.
Help us to see that we will return,
In another place and another time.
Hail and welcome.
Blessed be.

Death Call:
Now it is autumn and the falling fruit
and the long journey towards oblivion.

And it is time to go, to bid farewell
to one's own self, and find an exit from the fallen self.

And death is on the air like a smell of ashes!

Ah! can't you smell it?

And in the bruised body, the frightened soul
finds itself shrinking, wincing from the cold
that blows upon it through the orifices.

Build then the ship of death, for you must take
the longest journey, to oblivion.

And die the death, the long and painful death
that lies between the old self and the new.

We are dying, we are dying, so all we can do
is now to be willing to die...
(light black candle)
Blessed be.

Come Death, come Death... (repeat)

(blood curdling yell)
"You call Death into your Circle?
Into your very midst?
Then tonight you die.
Your breath will stop,
The fire within you will burn out,
Your blood will cease to flow,
Your body become cold,
And your spirit fly.
There is no more time for you to talk with friends,
Finish that life long project,
Your life ends here, now.
What is it that you are leaving behind unfinished?
What words are being left unspoken?
If only you had another day...
Another week...
(another blood curdling yell)
Which you don't!
What would you do?
Think on it, mortals.
Think well."

Death (after a pause);
This is the elixir.
(Hold up chalice)
That which brings death...
And release.
Don't be afraid!
It will only kill you!
Who is brave enough to step up?
All of you will die,
But who among you will enter the darkness unafraid?
It takes but a sip to bring your freedom.

Death finally drinks deep; another yell.
Die slowly, my sweat meats.
My worms and maggots will treat you well...
On the other side!
(Yell, leave)

Directions go first to take their positions. East, South, West, North, Center, Persephone, Midwife

(treat each person impersonally, spend 30 seconds-1 minute)
Take the breath away from each as they come past.
(White on face)
Ring chime, bring in next person.

(treat each person impersonally, spend 30 seconds-1 minute)
Take the heat of their body away.
(Use lipstick to trace blood dripping from their mouths)

(treat each person impersonally, spend 30 seconds-1 minute)
Recognize the blood no longer flowing through their veins.
(purple/blue for bruises)

(treat each person impersonally, spend 30 seconds-1 minute)
Recognize the body deteriorating.
(Dark circles around eyes)

(treat each person impersonally, spend 30 seconds-1 minute)
Recognize that the spirit is gone.
(Take photo at root ball, drape them with a black shawl)

Each person is then lead to a chair by Persephone to meditate on lost chances... etc.

Gregorian chants are played in the background, sage is burned.

(get them to say why they want to live again)
(listen for bong)
You have been given a second chance...
Follow me!
Quickly, Hades may change his mind at any moment
And snatch you back right at the threshold!
Don't look back--you mustn't,
Or you will have to stay here.
Go on, there's the veils between the worlds.
The Midwife waits to help you back into the living world.
I choose to stay.
Remember those who are still shadows here,
And do not waste the chance you have been given this night!
Farewell, and live well.
(Briefly embrace person)

They pass through the first veils and are confronted by with Death. They are asked a question, then must battle their way through the second veils where they are met by the Midwife.

Midwife: lead them to the main seat while wiping off makeup.

Speak your wisdom--
What brought you back to this place at this time?"

Participant speaks.

Midwife takes participants' hand when they are through speaking and leads them to the alter. He places into it a selection of herbs from various bowls--specific for that person and for that person's words.

(lead person to the fire)
"Manifest your desire!"

Person throws herbs into fire

All: cheer

Person is given drink and food, urged to join in the LOUD and JOYFUL celebration.

When all have been reborn, a spiral dance begins to empower us each to fulfill our dreams, to make our desires manifest and to set us on a path to make all that we desire come to pass.

Ground and center

Midwife and Death: Cakes and ale

When we had eaten for a little while, Death & the Midwife lead all back to the maypole to release Directions/circle/Death.

Release Death, while standing in front of Gryph, so anything she's picked up will have an invitation to leave.

Center Release:
Guardians of the Center,
Element of Spirit,
We thank you for your presence at our Ritual tonight,
And for the chance to be here,
At this time and at this place.
Help us to always celebrate the here and now.
Hail and farewell
(throw sage into fire)
Blessed be.

North Release:
Guardians of North,
Element of Earth.
We thank you for your presence tonight at our Ritual,
And for the warmth and wonder of our bodies
At this time and at this place.
Help us to always celebrate our physical world.
Hail and farewell.
(Snuff North torch)
Blessed be.

West Release:
Guardians of the West,
Element of Water.
We thank you for your presence tonight at our Ritual,
And for the blood that races through our veins
At this time and at this place.
Help us to always celebrate our flow.
Hail and farewell.
(Snuff West torch)
Blessed be.

South Release:
Guardians of the South,
Element of Fire.
We thank you for your presence at our Ritual tonight,
And for the fire that burns within us.
At this time and at this place.
Help us to always celebrate our heat.
Hail and farewell.
(Snuff South torch)
Blessed be.

East Release:
Guardians of the East,
Element of Air.
We thank you for your presence at our Ritual tonight,
And for each breath we savor,
At this time and at this place.
Help us to celebrate our breath.
Hail and farewell.
(Snuff East torch)
Blessed be.

Circle release:
(Take saber from earth)
This circle is now open,
But unbroken.
We thank the Old Ones for their presence and protection.

All: We thank the Old Ones for their presence and protection.

Repeat for all four directions.

So mote it be.

All: So mote it be. All hold hands in a circle:
By the Earth that is our body,
By the Water our living blood
By the Fire of our bright spirit,
By the Air that is our breath,
And by the circle of this community,
This circle is open, but never broken.
May the peace of the Lord and Lady go in our hearts.
We merry meet, merry part and merry meet again,
Blessed be!

"A Witches' Yule Carol"

(This Ritual was adapted from the Yule Ritual in a book called _The Crystal Well_, a book I highly recommend. It came out beautifully. Dick Merritt and I worked on this one together. I have included the Present and Future Journeys at the end of this Ritual (Dick did his Past Journey spontaneously) as well as the verses for the traditional Yule Carols.)

PROCESS to the ritual room chanting: "Deck the Halls"

ALL: circle and when all is quiet:

GREG: turn out the light

Dick and Gryph speak:
D: At this time do we know the dark of the year.
G: The season of life is past, and all is cold.
D: Emptiness and bleakness are all about.
G: Let us now give honor to the Triple Goddess
D: That the season may be made better
G: Through the birth of the Divine Child,
Both: The Golden Newborn Solstice Sun.

CALL Quarters:

All hail to thee, skies of wind and of storm.
Blow ye clear, cold, and sharp over the sleeping land.
Cast thy spell, 0 Great Ones,
And remain.
Blessed Be!


All hail to thee, far desert lands and places warm,
Return ye soon, and with bounty, to bring back the warm seasons.
Cast thy spell, 0 Great Ones,
And remain,
Blessed Be!


All hail to thee, crystalline lakes and rimed streams.
Frozen in glittering beauty. Be ye places of mystery, and portals elvish.
Cast thy spell, 0 Great Ones,
And remain.
Blessed Be!


All hail to thee, endless realms of snow,
Frozen tundra, forests in white, and mountains sheathed in ice.
Rest deeply in glistening silence and mystery.
Cast thy spell, 0 Great Ones,
And remain.
Blessed Be!


DICK and GRYPH prepare to cast circle, BUT:

EAST: Wait! Where is Center?

SOUTH: Where is that which represents the spark of divinity in each of us?

WEST: That which symbolizes our unity with each other and all beings?

NORTH: Center! We call you and ask for your presence to help us know we are all one .

ALL QUARTERS keep looking all over until:

CENTER: Comes out, whirls, silently, goes to E and holds her for a moment, to S..., to W..., to N... Move around the circle, looking at each person there, then go to the center alter, gesture, light the center candle.

DICK and GRYPH: Blessed be!

All: Blessed be!

DICK and GRYPH CAST circle:
With our hands and
With our love
The circle is cast.
Blessed be!
All: Blessed be!

CALL Goddess/God: Dick and Gryph

Nameless One Of many names Eternal And ever changing one Who is found nowhere but appears everywhere Beyond And within all Timeless Circle of the seasons Unknowable mystery Known by all Lord of the dance, Mother of all life Be radiant within us, Engulf us with your love, See with our eyes, Hear with our ears, Breath with our nostrils, Touch with our hands, BOTH: Kiss with our lips, open our hearts!
That we may live free at last
Joyful in the single song
Of all that is, was, or ever shall be!

DICK and GRYPH together light God then Goddess candles.

DICK picks up his candle holder with a black candle in it. He stands in front of Barbara with head bowed until Barbra lights the candle, then looks at the person who lit the taper.

Barbara strikes a flame, and lights the black candle in Dick's hand saying:
Black do we light for the Crone,
Thou keeper of the magical mysteries.
Ebon as the night of sleet
Is the taper which is Her symbol.

We give greetings to the Wise One.

DICK gives a slight bow back, places the lit taper before his Goddess image on the center alter.

GRYPH picks up her candle holder with a red candle in it. She stands in front of Chip with head bowed until Chip lights the candle, then looks at the person who lit the taper.

Chip strikes a flame, and lights the red candle in Gryph's hand saying:
Red do we light for the Mother,
Thou warm embracing Queen of Creation.
Scarlet as the beauty of the winter sunset
Is the taper which is Her symbol.

We give greetings to the Regal One.

GRYPH gives a slight bow back, places the lit taper before her Goddess image on the center alter.

GREG picks up his candle holder with a white candle in it. He stands in front of ??? with head bowed until ??? lights the candle, then looks at the person who lit the taper.

??? strikes a flame, and lights the white candle in Greg's hand saying:
White do we light for the Maiden,
Thou divine and joyous child.
Fresh and new as the driven snow
Is the taper which is Her symbol.

We give greetings to the Blessed One.

GREG gives a slight bow back, places the lit taper before his Goddess image on the center alter.

GRYPH raps thrice with her staff and says:
In this the Season of the White Goddess
And the time of the Divine Child,
What wisdom says the Watcher of the East?

This is a time for entering wilderness,
And seeking its magical strengths.
A time for standing alone and godlike,
And seeing all things clearly.
It is a season of Joy!

DICK raps thrice with his staff and says:
In this, the Season of the White Goddess
And the time of the Divine Child,
What wisdom says the Watcher of the South?

This is a time of active seeking,
Both without in Nature and within oneself.
Eagerness and resolution shall concern mysteries,
And create results.
It is a season of Courage!

GRYPH raps thrice and says:
In this, the Season of the White Goddess
And the time of the Divine Child,
What wisdom says the Watcher of the West?

This is a time for devotion to the Way of the Wild Places
And seeking the calmness of solitary locales.
A time for finding understanding,
And confiding only in trusted friends.
It is a season of Meditation!

DICK raps thrice and says:
In this, the Season of the White Goddess
And the time of the Divine Child,
What wisdom says the Watcher of the North?

This is a time to know the endurance of the hills,
And to so grow in one's own inner firmness
A time for scrupulousness and thoroughness
And considering all things.
It is a season of Confidence!

DICK and GRYPH both rap thrice and say
: D: In this, the Season of the White Goddess
G: And the time of the Divine Child,
BOTH: What wisdom has the Watcher of Center?

CENTER: Go to each of the Quarter People. Starting in the East, each of them in turn will, with gestures, gather up energy from their alter and hand it to Center. Center will put the energy on the center alter, then go to the next Quarter. When Center has added all the energy from each quarter, mix it, grab some from the sky and some from the earth, from the circle of people, let your hands mix all the energies together. Then take that energy, send it to the circle of people--not to each individual one, that will take too long! Then take your place in the circle. Be careful! It would be easy for this part to become very long!

DICK guides the people to make their past/present/future necklaces--telling them that they will be giving them away. CANDLE LIGHTERS pass beads and string around.

DICK: First Journey: past winter celebrations... (spontaneous)

RIVERSONG: "Oh Come, All Ye Faithful" (rewritten)

GRYPH does Second Journey: present winter celebrations... (included at the end of this Ritual)

RIVERSONG: "What Child is This?" (Traditonal words)

GREG says:
Now it is time to see what the future may hold for us. Get comfortable. Prepare for your final and most uncertain journey. (Included at the end of this Ritual). GREG does Third Journey: self-made future

RIVERSONG: "Joy to the World" (rewritten)


GRYPH gets people to form a circle. When all are in a circle, says:
We are all Sisters and Brothers.
Let us give each other our hands,
And form a strong circle.

GRYPH turns to the person on her left and puts her own necklass around that person's neck, saying:
You are my Sister (Brother),
I give you this gift.
Together, we make a strong circle.

ALL in turn receive a necklass and give their own.

Let's join hands for a moment and feel the energy as it moves from one to the other, connecting us through that divinity that we all share with each other deep inside...

DICK says: Take strength from the foundation of your past!

GRYPH says: Take in the golden light of this shared present!

GREG says: Charge and empower your future with your own Divinity!

CHANT: "Heart to Heart"

DICK leads: knot dance to empower necklesses, resolve, etc.

GROUND energy

CAKES and ale: DICK and GRYPH bless, CANDLE LIGHTERS pass it around.

RELEASE Goddess and God:

O joyous God of Frost We thank thee for thy bright presence here.
We have been honored to have your spirit here among us.
Farewell, and blessed be!


O magnificent Queen of Snow
We thank thee for thy crystal presence here.
We have been honored to have your spirit here among us.
Farewell, and blessed be!


: RELEASE Directions:

We thank thee, endless lands of snow,
We take your wisdom and blessings with us always.
Blessed Be!


We thank thee, crystalline lakes and rimed streams.
We take your wisdom and blessings with us always.

Blessed be!


We thank thee, far desert lands and places warm.
We take your wisdom and blessings with us always.
Blessed be!


We thank thee, skies of wind and of storm,
We take your wisdom and blessings with us always.

Blessed be!


Gestures--whatever you feel comfortable with.

DICK and GRYPH: Blessed be!


DICK, GRYPH, and GREG all pick up the black, red and green candles in front of their Goddess images.

CANDLE LIGHTERS come forward and put out the flames, bowing slightly to D, G, G.

DICK, GRYPH and GREG return the slight bow, place the candle holders to their places.

GRYPH: The Goddess, the God, and the Child have been honored.
DICK: This rite of Winter is done.

RELEASE circle:
ALL: This circle is open, but unbroken.
May the peace of the Lord and Lady go in our hearts,
We merry meet, merry part and MERRY MEET AGAIN!

Yule Journey:
Yule Present

Close your eyes and relax.

Take a deep breath, counting slowly to 4 and release it, feeling all the tension leave your body.

Take another breath, counting to 4, release slowly and still your mind as you breath out.

Take a third breath, deep, again, counting to 4. Ease your spirit as you release your breath slowly. (pause)

Go to your special place in your mind. A real or imaginary place where you are completely safe and can go back to instantly. (Pause)

Come with me now, to downtown Durham. It's one of the last shopping evenings before Christmas. The streets are crowded, people looking desperately for that last perfect present, picking up the last minute food. Santas on every corner ringing their bells...But feel the excitement in the air!

People are coming here from all over. They're coming home. This time of year like no other brings us all together to share a very special time. Churches have their garlands and wreaths up. Look at the sift golden glow from that church's window. It is a glow from candles, but it is something more as well.

Draw near to this church. You can not quite hear the words, but open your heart...your the feelings that spread through you as the warm golden light infuses you. They are welcoming the birth of the Son. A symbol of the love of their God. At this time, we welcome the rebirth of the solar sun and feel the love of our Gods as the sun gets stronger.

Two legend, different religions, but open yourself, the feelings of love, acceptance and oneness are the same. Let it wash over you. At this time of the year we are all celebrating the birth of the Sun, celebrating the love of the Gods for us and feeling the deep, deep connection of us all.

Hold this feeling of oneness to your heart. Hold it fast as you listen to the music in this church, the music of Yule celebration as you come back to this room.


Yule Journey:
Yule Future

Close your eyes and relax.

Take a deep breath, counting slowly to 4 and release it, feeling all the tension leave your body.

Take another breath, counting to 4, release slowly and still your mind as you breath out.

Take a third breath, deep, again, counting to 4. Ease your spirit as you release your breath slowly. (pause)

Go to your special place in your mind. A real or imaginary place where you are completely safe. It is very important that you know you can go back to this place any time you think it is necessary.

In your mind, open your eyes. You are in a dark cave...damp...chill...there is a light very far away and the sound...very distantly...of a child...crying. Move towards the gets brighter and the child's cry is louder...more desperate. Walk to the light...

Finally you are in a chamber lighted by a fire in a ring of stones...the fire casts flickering light on a fur swaddled baby. The heart rendering sobs are coming from the child.

Go to it, lift it in your arms, hold it against your chest... It stops crying. As you wipe the tears from its face, it begins gurgling... You know what this child is is you. That spark of Divinity that has always been inside you.

It is also the potential for your future, the beginning of your path from here on. Immature now, but with the will...and strength...and nurturing you give it, it will grow strong...and true...and good...

The child in your arms turns to a warm, glowing mist and you breath it in deeply, closing your eyes, letting it touch every part of you. (pause)

In your mind, open your eyes. You are outside, in the woods under a crystal clear, star filled sky. You are filled with your past, present and feel light you feel yourself rising to those stars in the sky, becoming one with them and dancing...dancing with them (pause).

Come back to Earth, dance with the lights here...feel that the people lights here are the same as the star lights--we are all one. When you are ready, come back to this place, among the people lights that are your brothers and sisters gathered to celebrate the birth of the Sun...


These are traditional songs with rewritten verses. The Greenwood Singers adapted these traditional Yule songs, with the following changes.

"Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful"

Oh, come, all ye faithful
Gather round the Yule Fire
Oh, come ye, oh, come ye
To call the Sun!

Fires with in us
Call the Fire above us
O, come, let us invoke Him!
O, come, let us invoke Him!
O, come, let us invoke Him!
Our Lord, the Sun!

Yea Lord, we greet Thee!
Born again at Yuletide!
Yule fires and candle flames
Are lighted for you!

Come to Thy children
Calling for Thy blessing!
O, come, let us invoke Him! (x3)
Our Lord, the Sun!

"Joy to the World"

Joy to the World, the Light has come
Let Earth receive her Lord
Let every heart, prepare Him room

And Heaven and nature sing
And Heaven and nature sing
And He-av'n and heaven and nature sing!

Welcome our Lord, who brings us Light
our Lady gives him birth!
His Living Light, to warm our hearts,

And wake the sleeping Earth (x3)

Light we the fires to greet our Lord
Our Light, our Life, our Lord!
Let every voice, sing holy praise

And heaven and Nature sing (x3)
