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Pet Pairs

These are the pet pairs I currently have. Their numbers will increase as breeding pairs go into retirement, though they are still included on the Breeding Pairs list and their own individual pages. There will probably always be 'pairs' since I don't like to keep them alone unless for some reason I have to.

All of these pairs are sweet and affectionate, I assume because I've had them so long and they get along well (most of the time!) with their tankmates. Their buddies are either related to them or they're retired couples.

Gawain & Spanky
ColorPoint Slate & Siamese
aaC(b)c(h)EEggP & a-C(b)c(h)EeGgP-

Gawain is a beautifully dark ColorPoint Slate who lost his 'wife,' Celes, a Dark Tailed White, on July 13, 1999. They were a beautiful pair and the most affectionate of any of the gerbils I have ever had. He is such a sweetheart and it took him weeks to get over Celes not being with him. It was a very sad thing to watch - he would do absolutely nothing but sleep and didn't eat like he used to (piggy!).

He came around, though, and now is the lovable stinker he used to be, literally running up my arm the second my hand is down in the tank so he can survey the world. He's one of the few gerbils I have who doesn't mind being rubbed on his belly - I think he actually likes it!

Spanky is the last-born son of Gawain & Celes and is a beautiful Siamese. He was born on March 14, 1999, and has grown to be a big boy like both his mom & dad. He's curious like his father, but has his mother's sweetness, and has inherited the affectionate disposition that both of his parents provided.

Tia & Mia
Both Siamese
a-C(b)c(h)EeGgP- & a-C(b)c(h)EeGgP-

Tia & Mia are pretty Siamese girls also born to Gawain & Celes on October 20, 1998. The only way to tell them apart is by the white wedge on Tia's nose, which is shown in this picture, taken by Elizabeth Heckert and her wonder-video.

They have also inherited the affectionate disposition that their parents passed down, though not as much as Spanky has. They tend to be a bit skittish sometimes until they realize that it's me. They do NOT like Maggie, our cocker spaniel, who sometimes sticks her nose right up to the tank, so they are now on an upper shelf. They definitely are inquisitive girls and they love new toys, especially that wonder toy, toilet paper. They can shred it in no time and have a wonderfully white, fluffy nest to sleep in. What a wonderful treat (and cheap, too!).

When they were young I thought about separating them into pairs and breeding them, but they were so close I couldn't do it. There were several inquiries from people wanting one of them, but I just couldn't split them up. They go through their dominance tiffs every once in a while, which Mia always wins. They can get a little rowdy during these skirmishes, but there's never been any blood or injuries. I imagine at some point Tia may win the dominance issue and take over, though I don't know how long she'd be able to sit atop the throne. :o)

You can see info about my retired couples, Cloud & Guen, and Circle & Rosie on their individual pages.

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