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Nightshadow- July 30, 1999 1:20am
Man, did this take a lot of work. I finally got the site to look close to organized. The links should still work. If any of them don't, please let me know. WordWizard and SnakeEyes, please write some reviews! We need to get on the ball! We are gonna be successful darnet! I don't care what anyone says. More optomism Cloud before I break your neck!

WordWizard- July 30, 1999 6:20pm
This is the best gamers site I have ever seen, and my deepest gratitude goes to the man, WordWizard.

SNakeEYes- August 2, 1999 11:23pm
This site is at It's begining stages at the current moment, and It will get better just bare with us, and I want to let every one to know I was not responsible for the websites new look.

Nightshadow- August 7, 1999 1:04am
Slackers. Where are the rest of the posts? If I'm not mistaken I am supposed to have 6 staff members. Good Job to SnakeEyes. He has been working on backgrounds, and studying Html code. As for the rest of you, (yes, I know, some of you had band camp), where are the posts? I have been laboring trying to get ideas. The only one I can get to do anything is SnakeEyes. This is not good. Cloud and Ash have been here for years, and they won't get to work? What is up with that? We need to get motivated. We have reviews to write, new games to play, and a website to market and remodel. Let's take care of it!

MarQPhex- August 7, 1999 1:44 AM
This site is really starting to take some serious steps. It keeps getting better and better. I'm curious what we will do with it yet. Stay tuned on the new features being added along with new reviews and previews. You happy Jeff?? You want a fresh one?

Cloud- August 8th, 1999 midnight
Sorry for not being around that often, i'm kinda preoccupied with things right now (job,girl, spirituality) i'm gonna try to get back on track though,cause we all know that i write the bomb reviews!

SNakEYes- August 12th,1999 11:25 PM
I just want to say I am really pleased with the website right now. It is starting to look real phat, and I just can't wait until the time when my fellow GamersGalaxy team members finishes getting the Website established because It is going to be hot!(SMOKING)

Nightshadow- August 19, 1999 1:12am
Interesting... SnakeEyes and I have been making much progress, and also risking a lot. SnakeEyes was diligently studying frames and learned how to put them on the site, when suddenly, the entire page dissappeared! So there I was chllin' at Ecpi computer college, and when I went to access the page, it was nonexistent. I quickly went to the editor to read the code, and saw the frames clear as day.... But SnakeEyes has figured out the problem. Because we are on a free provider, we cannot use frames on the site. And that's when SnakeEyes had the greatest idea in a long time... We are going independent! Our Domain name is coming soon. SnakeEyes and I will split the cost unless someone else is man enough to step up....

Nightshadow- December 1, 1999 12:05pm
Sorry about the late post. We are currently brainstorming for the ultimate website. But while I am talking, If anyone is interested in some Jamaican fun the "Kingston Shotta" Way, click here.

Nightshadow- April 12th, 2000 6:15pm
Man, this post is extremely late! I have come up with the ultimate idea for a web site. Don't worry, I will keep you guys posted. Naturally, it will contain a huge section on the Dreamcast, and also the up and coming Playstation 2. I hope you guys are ready for the best site on the net. Me and my crew are going to deliver something special.

Nightshadow- June 24th, 2000 1:00pm
Yikes! What day is it? Man have I taken way too long to make a post. I am extremely sorry. For those of you sending me e-mail wondering if we are still alive, the answer is yes! Don't worry, I know a lot of these games are outdated, but I will be taking care of that shortly. A lot of changes are about to take place, and I will take care of it. I am currently digging up as much information as possible on the new Final Fantasy. Bare with me, I am going to be making changes constantly over the next few days, so spread the word for those of you that just happened to visit the dead site to see if there was hope! My crew is ressurecting too, so yes, we are all active, and about to write some awesome reviews, and we will be getting a .com name real soon!!

Nightshadow- October 17th, 2000 5:39pm
It's here! Ps2 is going to launch on October 26th! And you guys thought I was gone! HA! I am NEVER going anywhere, if I have to run this place myslef! We are going to begin massive coverage on the PS2. We figured since its so close to launch we won't be teasing you as much because everything you see you can plan on buying next week! First up to show pics and different things like that are going to be my 2 favorite about this launch. Street Figher EX 3, and Tekken Tag Tournament. Awesome Stuff!! Yo, don't worry about a thing. Nightshadow is going to regulate on this whole website shortly...

Nightshadow- January 9th, 2009 7:10pm


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