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Class History

Eight years ago the following students of the graduating class of 1962 began their grade school careers under the leadership of Mrs. Charlene Wesloe and Mrs. Lulu Kensinger: Patsy Green, Diana Riffel, Lonnie Yarnell, Helen Ptasznik, Kenny Sexton, Larry Lockwood, Joyce Bohrer, Leslie Maphies, Larry Hurst, Joyce Edwards, Gary Tredway, Melvin Jansen, Eddie Moses, Charles Bishop, Gordon McKinnie, Gene Wheeles, David Pierce, Lee Tipping, Kathy Richey, Dollie Beebe, Kenny Simmons, Linda Craven, Larry Weidert, Wanda Dawson, Catherine Depee, and Linda Fischer.

In the second grade our teachers were Miss Verna McCoy and Mrs. Lois Shrum. During this year Sue Sanders joined us from Galesburg, Sandy Boyle came from Liberty, and Karen Hibbs joined our class.

We were joined in the third grade by Lloyd Nesbitt and Keith Kyser from Lakeview. Our teachers were Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Livingston, who died during the year and was replaced by Mrs. Johnson and later Mrs. Taylor, who became our regular third grade teacher.

In the fourth grade we were joined by Nancy Womeldorff from Bloomer School and Sherry Shaver from Kimball. Our teachers were Mrs. Wells and Mrs. Killian.

In the fifth grade under the leadership of Mrs. Marie Pontious and Mrs. Ethel Hines, Ronnie Hall came to Erie from Piatt, Mike Grady from Roosevelt School in Chanute, and Julie Coover from Kimball.

In the sixth grade our teachers were Mr. Lloyd Shrum and Mr. Cecil Shrum. David Tarvin joined us this year from Bloomer and many of us enjoyed a trip to Chicago. John Sherwood also joined us in sixth grade from a Kansas City, Kansas school. (John attended Erie in the 6th, 7th and 8th grades.)

Four people joined us in the seventh grade: Dinah Mitchell and Gene Pontious from South Mound, Myrna Mitchell from Kimball, and Tim LaPorte from Sterling, Kansas. Our teachers were Mrs. Torrence, Mr. Singleton, and Mr. Overstreet. We made a trip to the state capitol at Topeka during this year.

This year, our eighth, Ronnie Newlin came from Cherryvale and Joe Haviland from Thayer. During this year our teachers have been Mr. Overstreet, Mr. Zink, Mrs. Fones, Mrs. Coover, and Mr. Grundman. The school trip was to Kansas City to the Ice Capades.

We also want to pay tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Scovill, who have led us in our vocal and instrumental music these eight years.

We have enjoyed the past eight years and appreciate the fine leadership we have had. We look forward eagerly to our years in high school with great hopes for the future.

Class Will

8th Grade of 1962

We, the students of the 8th Grade Class of Erie Grade School, and in the year of our Lord, 1962, being of sound mind, do hereby will and bequeath our prized possessions, fond memories, good grades, and abilities to the incoming 8th grade students of the Erie Grade School.

We hope they will be cherished and valued by the one's who receive them.

I, Dollie Beebee - will and bequeath my nine brothers to Cheryl Moses.

I, Sandy Boyle give my notes in History and Civics to Tommy Amos.

I, Linda Craven will my Bikini Bathing suit to Patricia Yarnell.

I, Wanda Dawson will my "gift of gab" to Shirley Snyder.

I, Catherine Depee would like to give my "hang nails" to Joyce Taylor.

I, Linda Fischer will my height to Kerry Larimore.

I, Karen Hibbs will my ability to get to school on time to Martha Madison.

I, Myrna Mitchell bequeath and will my little brother to Mary Forsyth.

I, Kathy Richey will my share of "Ice Cream Sodas" to Danny Samples.

I, Sue Sanders will my ability to play the horn to Tim Peak.

I, Nancy Womeldorff will my "sun-burn" to Joaquin Padilla.

I, Kenneth Simmons will my "Library Book - reading ability" to Calvin Newberry.

I, Larry Weidert will and bequeath "my Good Looks and Winning Ways' to Butch Ptasznik.

I, Ronnie Hall will and bequeath "My Cows" to Earl Beeler.

I, Joe Haviland will my toeless socks and torn pants to Sandy Gustafson.

I, Melvin Janssen bequeath "my excess weight" to Irene Nesbitt.

I, Gordon McKinnie will "my love" to Anita McCoy.

I, Lloyd Nesbitt will "my loud mouth and Chee" to Linda Raney.

I, Ronnie Newland will and bequeath my worn-out tooth brush to Claudia McKinney.

I, Gene Pontious will and bequeath "My good-looking freckles" to Marjorie Hines.

I, Lee Tipping bequeath and will "My Rat-killing Method" to Janie Wilcox.

I, Kenny Sexton bequeath and will "my good Manners" to Danny Sexton.

I, Leslie Maphies will and bequeath "my ability to get along with all the teachers" to John Bishop.

I, Dinah Mitchell will and bequeath "My ability to flirt with all the boys" to Brenda Runer.

I, Patsy Green will and bequeath "My good grades and ability to study" to J. D. Sexton.

I, Helen Ptasznik will "my sweet and quiet ways" to Richard Hines.

I, Julie Coover will my ability to "do dishes" to Douglas Huffman.

I, Joyce Bohrer, will Larry Lockwood to anyone who will take him.

I, Joyce Edwards will and bequeath "My broken ball bat" to Janice Purdy.

I, Diana Riffle will my "old nylon hose" with all the runs to Johnny McDaniel.

I, Sherry Shaver will my "baby sitting ability" to Susan Beech.

I, Gary Tredway will my ability to do the "peppermint twist" to Debra Mullen.

I, Chuck Bishop will my ability to "visit the Principal" to Shirley Barnhart.

I, David Pierce will "my big brown eyes" to Mike Samples.

I, Lonnie Yarnell will "my jaw breakers" to Mr. Zink.

I, Keith Kyser will "my good looks" to Doyle Reissig.

I, Larry Lockwood will my ability "to smart off" to Jan Smith.

I, Larry Hurst "will my duck-waddle run" to Linda Hayes.

I, David Tarvin will and bequeath my dieting method to Grace Yarnell.

I, Timmy LaPorte will my ability to sing to Margo Barlow.

I, Mike Grady will and bequeath "my good looking legs" to Mr. Singleton.

I, Eddie Moses will and bequeath "my gum chewing ability" to Mr. Overstreet.