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Infantile Refsum Disease Webring Homepage

Welcome to the Infantile Refsum Disease Webring Homepage. This is a webring for those children and families affected by Infantile Refsum Disease, or any other peroxisomal biogenesis disorder, including NALD, ALD, Zellweger Syndrome, etc.

Joining the webring is by invitation only. If you wish to join the webring just email at: with the URL for your site. I'll review the site, and if it is approved you will be invited to join the ring. I'll email you the ring code to copy and paste onto the site.

This webring is a companion to the Infantile Refsum Disease Email List, which is also for those children and families affected by Infantile Refsum Disease, or any other peroxisomal biogenesis disorder. For more information on the email list contact:

This Infantile Refsum Disease site is owned by Debbie.
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