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Playname : Shell Drill


4 man shell drill is used by the best coachs every pratice.If you don`t practice anything else,do this.It teaches m2m defense
with " help",along with how to play their man in relationship to the ball.

Players cannot dribble or cross 3 point line to start with.Line up your player as shown in frame # 1

Notice the players in the lane.
The green #1 has the ball,and the defense is putting pressure on them.
The defensive #2 is a step towards the ball,and lagging back a little,looking for the green #1 to pass to the green # 2 player,when that happens,the # 2 defense will try a steal.I call it "deny" a pass.


Pass the ball around quickly and make the defense "move".. The offense gets the ball to the 2 player.Notice the position of the 1,who steps a little to the ball,and lags back a hair.

The defensive 1 and 3 are ready to try to deny the pass to the offensive 1 and 3.


Using this drill allways keeps players in the lane.


If they have the ball in the high corner/low wing area,this is what we are looking for outta our defense.

The 3 trys to deny the pass,the 1 and 2 are playing help.

Have your players yell as you pass the ball around the 3 point circle.In this frame,the 4 yells ball,3 yells deny,the 1 and 2 yell help.

Have your 2 player have one foot in the lane.


Have your 3 yell ball,the 2 and 4 yell deny,and the 1 yells help.


The 2 yells ball,the 1 and 3 yell deny,and the 4 yells help.


The 1 yells ball,the 2 yells deny,the 3 and 4 yell help.

Pass the ball around quickly,and you will see great action out of your players.It will make them hustle back to position.

This page was made with Basketball Playbook from Jes-Soft