
Playname : 1-4 # 2 vs zone presses


this 1-4 can be used against any zone press or even m2m

I will diagram it using the 1-2-1-1 full court press.

4 inbounds

1 and 2 at elbows
3 and 5 free throw line extended

1 breaks toward ball several stels,2 cuts cross court,3 breaks downcourt


5 stays put.
ball is passed to 5 who looks for the 2 first.2 should be open for a pass from the 5,the 1 is breaking center court at the same time.If 2 gets the ball,2 should look for the 1 in the middle asap.
If 2 is covered by the 4,then the one should be open for a pass and run up the middle



here,the 2 has the ball and the 1 is coming open,the 3 is open also.


the 1 is shown with the ball in the center of the court with a 3 on 2 fast break going.
the 2 and 3 are shown cutting to the basket when the one draws near.One of the two will be wide open every time.


The one has 2 options,pass to the 2 or pass to the 3.If no one defends the one,then the 1 should have a clear shot to the basket.
It is important the 2 and 3 race to the basket and finish off the play with a strong layup.
Don`t hesitate.

This is a very good pressbreaker and works really well.

options are:
inbounder can run baseline and play operates the same but with player reversal.The 3 gets the inbounds pass,the 1 and 2 cuts cross court,the 3 passes to the 1 first if openthen can pass to the 2 if nessacery.

This page is on Tommy`s Basketball Playbook and was made with Basketball Playbook from Jes-Soft
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