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A VERY MERRY X-MAS!~ By: Brittany

*authors note:some of this story was also a dream i had so i got the idea from it!the rest of it i thought up my own. so u cannot steal ANYTHING from my story without my permission! if u would like to tell me how u liked it or would like to borrow something from it, please email me at: thanx! and enjoy!!

It was a beautiful day in Chorpus Christy,TX. I had come down there by myself for the holiday. Now, I am only 13 so it's a little hard to believe that a 13 year old went from NM to TX on her own for the holiday! Anyway! I was staying at a hotel I had stayed at when me and my family had first come during the summer. And to my surprise, it was the SAME room too!

Well, I went to walk on the beach and I had noticed there was a HUGE Christmas celebration happening! After all, it was Christmas! there was a stage set up by the waters edge and different people were singing there. Some of the people expected to sing were: O-Town, Britney Spears, J-LO, City High,and others. Some people were total strangers to others but they had great voices! I was walking around in my blue bikini and over skirt with my hair down and a small breeze blowing through it. I turned around because I heard my name being called and noticed several of my friends were there!

"OMG! What are you doing here Brittany?" my friend Tabitha(likes to be called Tabby) asked.

"Remember? I was coming for the holidays?" I told her.Then they laughed. I asked what was so funny and they todl me they were joking with me. She had known why I was there. Their families all took them there for the big celebration. Then they had to leave to go with their families, but they promised they'd be back later.

So, I kept walking and decided to watch people perform. City high was up singing "Caramel". After them, O-Town came up and sang "Liquid Dreams". So, after awhile, I walked around some more.

"Watch your head!" I heard someone shouted. I turned around and noticed a frisbee coming my direction. So, I ducked to keep from getting hit in the head. Then, I stood up, hoping it was safe. But, I wasn't back on my feet long enough until I was back on my back lying in the sand. I opened my eyes and noticed a body was on me(not what some of u r thinking!!). The body stood up and helped me up. I looked at the face of the person and about died!

"You ok?" he asked. All I did was stare at him blankly. "Yo? I said are you ok?" he repeated.

"Yea,yeah i am" i replied.He smiled and helped dust me off. It was every girls dream! Eric von Detten!! "you wanna walk around?" he asked.

"Sure!" I told him. So we walked aorund fro about 2 hours. We had walked to the other side of the beach where the USS Lexingotn was ( a very wonderful ship) and then back to the the side we met eachother on. I was cold while walking back, so he lent me his jacket. After all, I was just wearing a bikini with an over skirt! We tlaked for awhile while we walked. Then he turned to me and looked me in th eyes.

"Brittany, you are so amazing! I have never met anyone as wonderful as you are." Then he gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked away. I ran to find my friends and tell them what had happend! I was so happy, I wasn't paying any attention and I ran into someone! It was a boy form my school! We walked around and I told him what happened.

"Sounds cool!" he said. Then, a bunch of people from the press ran up to us asking me about the experience of having a kiss from Eric vonm Detten. Then, they looked at the boy. and said, "Why don't you lay a big wet one on her dude?"

He looked at them, grinning, then looked at me and bent me down and kissed me with the most fake kiss you could ever have! (yes it was like The Princess Diaries)! I pushed him away and kicked him where the sun don't shine!! (i know! some of u are saying"you go girl!!" lol). Then, i ran off crying and ran behind a building. Then, Eric approached me. "what happened?" he asked. So I explained it to him and he looked at me with a very upsetting look. He took me in his arms and hugged me.

"It's ok to cry. I'll be your shoulder to cry on" he told me. As i cried in his arms, He, hugged me and he suggested we go inside that building so the press wouldn't find me again. We went into the little building and i sat on some wood nearby. "Hey, I'm sorry I put you through that." he said.

"no, its not your fault!" I told him, "that guy was just a jerk that's all!". He then slowly approached me and helped me off of the wood i was sitting on. "You know Britt, You are sooo special! i don't think anyone has ever been more lucky than i have to have met someone like you!" then he leaned closer and kissed me so passionatly on the liops , that i thought i was in heaven! then, he tok one last look at me and told me he had to leave now. As he walked out the door, i stood there thinking aobut everything that happened that day and everything he told me. then i realized, that was probably the best Christmas ever!


*authors note: hope u all enjoyed my story! tell me how you liked it!