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AN ERIK DAY! by: Brittany

Hey everyone, here is Brittany's first story, titled "An Erik Day!" You can email her at and hit her up with some positive feedback!

It was a beautiful day. i went to the park and decided to rent a horse to ride around the park. since i was an experienced rider already, i had no problem! after watching all of the other people that had rented horses that couldn't even ride was making it really easy for me! well, everything started out ok at first. then something had hit my horses rear so he went berzerk! i couldn't get him to calm down!!! he was out of control! he started galloping as quickly as he could around the park. i had to help him dodge others so no one would get hurt. i pulled on his reins as hard as i could and he never stopped! so, i did the only thing i could do! i screamed for help!!! "SOMEBODY HELP MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" i screamed as the horse got faster and faster. then a man on a horse next to me held out his hand and hollered for me to jump onto his horse. "WHAT IF I MISS THE HORSE AND GET HURT?" i hollered to him. "DON'T WORRY ABOUT THAT NOW! JUST JUMP!" so i did as he said, grabbed ahold of his hand and pulled myself over to his horse. it was difficult to do but i managed! then, next thing i knew, the man on the horse grabbed my arms and wrapped them around his waist. "what r u doing?" i asked him. "you might want to hold on so u don't fall off cuz i go kinda fast sometimes!" he said. then he turned around and smiled at me! "OH MY GOSH! UR ERIK VON DETTEN AREN'T YOU??" he laughed and answered me. "yes i am!" i couldn't believe it! what was erik von detten doing here? so i asked him. "oh,i am just here visiting. is that a problem?" he asked me......",no there is no problem with that! sorry i asked!" i answered him embarrassed! "oh, don't be sorry! it is alright!" he happily told me! boy! i felt like the luckiest girl in the world! to be sitting on a horse behind erik von detten was amazing! he had to return his horse so we both walked to the closest bench and just sat there and thing i knew he had put his arm around my shoulders. "what r u doing?" i asked him shocked. then he quickly pulled his arm away and asked, "sorry! am i not allowed to get comfortable?" i felt so bad so i told him it was all right. well, the rest of the night was just talking. nothing much more than that! next thing i knew, he leaned forward and asked me if it was alright for him to kiss me. WOW! he liked me! i never expected anything like that! well, my answer was yes. it was just a little kiss on the cheek but that was fine with me. then he got up and said he needed to leave. as he walked away, i sighed and sat back. what a wonderful day! then he turned around and kissed me again! then he gave me a rose that looked like this: @-->----. what it was for, i will never know! but all i know is that i was amazed that i spent such a wonderful day with erik von detten. basically saying, it was an erik day! ~THE END!~