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This is the #emergency54
Party Crew early on in the
evening ... Boy did they ever not realize what was in store for them ....
#emergency54 Partiers  The Night would prove to be very Interesting ... And even though the party started around noon ... the party had only just begun... 
Putting Faces with Nicks! Early on in the night the drinks flowed and the faces started being  matched to the Nicks. 
As The Music Roared ... 
The Booty started Shaking ...
RocknRick and Needy Dentyne and Goatman Shaking Booty :)
Live Entertainment Begins!!! The Live entertainmant FLOWS!!!!
As RocknRick,Gator and TwoHats entertain us with "Under the Boardwalk" This may become 
available on this page as a .wav file in the near future...
Rocknrick, Gator, and TwoHats  Under the Boardwalk
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