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Joining Us

Joining Us


The Auxiliary is a civilian organization of volunteers. Being an Auxiliarist will add a new dimension to your boating activities and enable you to share in the worthwhile experience of assisting boaters and saving lives, as well as being an important part of the U.S. Coast Guard.


Membership is open to citizens of the United States and its territories and possessions, who are 17 years of age or older. Facility (radio station, boat or aircraft) ownership is desirable but not mandatory. Individuals with special training or experience in any Auxiliary program are encouraged to join. Membership is also open to all active duty or former members of any of the uniformed services and their reserve components. Contact your nearest Auxiliary unit.


As an Auxiliarist, you have an opportunity to increase your knowledge of boating safety and acquire special training through advanced classes or by taking correspondence courses from the Coast Guard Institute. Instruction in navigation, meteorology, marine engines, communications, and search and rescue operations enhances the value of you to the Auxiliary while adding to your own boating pleasure.

You will find great personal satisfaction in providing a valuable public service to the boaters. The possibility of saving lives - even one human life - is always in your path as an Auxiliarist.

Dedication to boating safety provides you with the atmosphere for getting together to swap boating experiences and participate in exercises, group outings, etc. You'll find a special fellowship among Auxiliarists that's hard to beat. There's time to relax and have fun at Auxiliary outings, rendezvous, cruises and conferences. Auxiliarists make lasting, meaningful friendships.


Safety patrols, regatta patrols, search and rescue, and Coast Guard support missions are part of the Operations mission. As a new member you could be trained to qualify as Boat Crew, Coxswain, Air Crew, communications watchstanders, work in Coast Guard offices and other Coast Guard mission areas. Our pilots and aircraft, working with our radio stations and boats, provide for complete operational support by working with the U.S. Coast Guard.

Public Education

The Auxiliary is noted for its public education courses which teach pleasure boaters safe boating principles, practices, and legal responsibilities. You could be trained to be an Instructor for any course that we offer - from Water 'n Kids to Advanced Coastal Navigation.

Vessel Examination

The Courtesy Marine Examination program serves to encourage boaters to carry the proper safety equipment. You could be trained to become a Vessel Examiner and give the boaters a personal mini-course in boating safety equipment while performing a vessel examination at your local boating area.


You are entitled to wear a uniform similar to those worn by the Coast Guard, but with different markings (silver rather than gold, basically). There are many Auxiliary activities that require you to wear a uniform in order to participate, especially when you are dealing with the public. The minimum uniform is not extremely costly.


Naturally, there are dues to be paid. Each flotilla sets its own level, so contact the nearest Auxiliary unit to check it out.

Sign up here!

Send an email requesting to be contacted by the appropriate unit's membership staff officer:

Email: Division 16


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Copyright  © 2007 USCGAUX Division 16. All rights reserved in all media
Last updated: Monday, May 21, 2007 19:43
To comment, email the webmaster