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DeeMar Communications

Diane Tait Interview:

editor of The Poet Within

Diane Tait, who lives in North Carolina, USA, is a social work educator and part time poet. She has worked in health care in both public health and medical settings with a special interest in women's health. Tait's love for both social work and poetry inspired her to edit this volume of poetry by professional social workers.

DMC: How long have you been writing poetry?
DT:Since the age of 10 several decades ago.

DMC: What/who inspired you to write (now or in the past)?
DT:Visits to my grandparent's farm and Edna St. Vincent Millay.

DMC: Who is your favorite poet?
DT:This is difficult to choose only one. For their own uniqueness, my favorites are Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Frost, Dylan Thomas, Langston Hughes, and Dorothy Parker.

DMC:What is your favorite poem?
DT:The first one that both chilled and heated up my creative juices: "The Raven" by E.A.Poe.

DMC: What piece of advice would you give to aspiring writers?
DT:Take a poetry writing class or workshop to understand the skill of writing poetry and observe, observe, observe.

DMC:If you belong to any poetry clubs or groups, which ones?
DT:I do not belong to any groups at this time.

DMC:Do you plan to publish more poetry books? If so, are there any in the works?
DT:Not at the moment.

DMC:What is the easiest part about writing poetry?
DT:The easiest part for me is poems just come in my head--one line here and there. I have to stop what I am doing to jot the line(s) down so I won't forget them.

DMC:What is the hardest part about writing poetry?
DT:Finding the perfect word. I like to write poetry with as few words as possible to convey an emotion or situation.

DMC:Add any comments or info about yourself.
DT: I would like to say that writing poetry is a skill as well as an art. It takes a lot of time and editing before a poem is ready for public eyes. I would encourage all poets and aspiring poets that no matter what anyone tells them to keep writing!

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