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Ishy-kun's Hidden Agenda

Well ... I had something here, but sadly, I managed to screw that up too. It's not something I'm unused to, but I figured the way I was updating the site would have worked. So I guess I start over.

Contained within this site will be various things, most likely all done by me. Thoughts, poems, RP stuffage, general stuff involving me. I've had this site for about six years, and I update it from time to time. I figure now is as good a time as any to update. It all began with RP on WoN chat, a Sailormoon type set up, based on a fanfic I wrote called Senshi no Kage (Soldiers of Darkness, or something thereof). It was based about Sailormoon, as I at the time adored the series, and I still do.

I've poured alot of hard work into the things I enjoy. Such as this site, and my MUD, which I co-own with Akuma. Now is as good a time as any to talk about my self some. Names Jason Daniel Parker, I live in North Carolina, and I'm a Sagitarius. I'll be 21 on December 17, go me. I enjoy novels, as I've over four hundred of them on various topics and styles, and my literary inspiration is Robert Jordan.

I've done alot of thinking today, and I've come to a few conclusions. I don't like people. It's not just that. I'm just tired of facades, and people saying one thing and meaning another. And putting words in my mouth, I don't appreciate either. I apologize for the lacking content that I had earlier, but it was lost in a mistake that was mostly mine. Well, all mine, put honestly. I will update as much as I can as often as it comes to me.


Mortimer Temporis and the many people he plays and is.

The Pulpit of Interesting Stuffage

Poetry by Yours Truly
