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Raiders Bloopers

Raiders Bloopers

1) In one of the first scenes of the movie, Indy must make the switch between a bag of sand and a gold idol, the Goddess of Fertility. When he is measuring the weight, he takes sand out of the bag. Now this idol is gold...don't you think the bag would need more sand?

2) When Indy is running away from the Havitos, he shouts to his pilot, Jock, to get the plane ready. Indy is then shown at a different view, and there are trees inbetween him and Jock. They probably wouldn't be able to hear or see eachother!

3) The noises of Jock's plane sound exactly like some of the sound effects used in the Star Wars movies.

4) The Golden Gate bridge is shown when Indy flys out of the US on his way to Nepal. However, this bridge was not built yet when the movie takes place (in 1936)

5) Remember the scene in Cairo when Indy is confronted by a man in black with a big sword? The guy waves the sword around and laughs evily, but Indy just pulls out his gun and shoots him. This was improvised by Harrison Ford, who was suffering from fatigue and an illness--he didn't want to do the lengthy battle scene!

6) In Nepal, Marion has the headpiece of the staff of Ra around her neck on a chain. She holds the necklace at arms length and ponders it. When shown at a different shot, the chain is no longer around her neck.

7) The staff Indy uses to pin point the location of the Well of the Souls is the wrong's supposed to be 6 ft or so but it ends up being way taller than Harrison Ford-and he is 6 ft. tall!

8) When Indy descends into the Well of Souls, he is confronted by a big mean cobra. You can see the plexiglass used to protect Harrison Ford and Karen Allen from the snake.

9) Although I have never spotted these, there are apparentley secret pictures of C-3P0 and R2D2 on the walls of the Well of the Souls and the map room.

10) When Marion and Indy finally escape the Well of Souls, they have a battle scene at the Flying Wing, a big plane that the Nazis are going to use to ship the Ark. It was on one such stunt shoot that Harrison Ford tumbled to the ground and into the path of a moving plane wheel. Luckily the alert stunt crew stopped it in time, but there was supposedly an unscheduled coffee break afterwards to let nerves settle.

11) Also in the Flying Wing scene, the big Nazi that Indy is fighting with is chopped up in the plane's moving propeller (yuck). Blood splatters over the cockpit glass of the plane. But when shown from far away, there is no blood there.

12) The canyon scene of Raiders is the same canyon used in Star Wars (the one in which R2D2 is captured by the Jawas). This canyon was named Star Wars Canyon in honor of the film; it is located in Tunisia, Africa.

13) In the canyon scene towards the end of the movie, a fly can be seen crawling into Belloq's mouth...and it disapeers! As to where that fly went..your guess is as good as mine.

14) The scene of the opening of the Ark has a sequence in which all of the Nazi guards are killed. A light is shot through their hearts. Lucas used real lightbulbs to create the effect of the glowing wounds.

15) In the Desert Convoy Truck chase scene, the truck's baggage canopy on the top of the cab is knocked off when Indy steers the truck (with some help from its original German driver) through some wooden scaffolds. Later on, the baggage canopy is solidly in place, sturdy enough to support the German seargent's and later Indy's accrobatics when hoisting themselves into the cab.

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