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Do you do Teach classes or do presentations about boomerangs?
Would you like an easy way to present a program?
Or would you just like to learn more about boomerangs? If you have a way to use a computer in your presentation, Here is my boomerang presentation that you may use to do a program or just look for your own pleasure.

You can preview a non-animated version here on the internet.
Boomerangs, Magic or Science
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If you would like to use this presentation, follow the directions below. If you have MicroSoft PowerPoint, use these two files. Download both of them into one folder and execute the exe file. Size is 286 Kb

If you do not have PowerPoint, or an old version of PowerPoint, you will need to download these two files which have a powperpoint viewer imbedded. Download to the same folder and execute the exe file. Size is 3.07 Mb

this file is different than the one above labeled the same.

title page
This is a shareware PowerPoint presentation. If you use it for a presentation, your cost for using it is one boomerang for me or purchase one boomerang from me. If you just want to see it and use it for yourself, it is free.
All materials copyright 2001, Tom Conally,

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