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Chickman's Navigators

Welcome to my Pigeon Website!

This is my place to discuss Racing Homer Pigeons. I purchased my first breeders on January 25, 1999 and have been doing my best to raise some quality racers.Since I have no previous experience raising them, I made some mistakes in loft design and also in techniques used to settle the birds. This is why I have decided to share what I have learned, so that other beginners will have an awareness of the potential problems.

I am fortunate to have found a fine club in my area and a few people willing to share some of their knowledge to see that I don't get too far off track. Some of the support has come from friends on the internet. I try to read as much information about pigeons as I can find, so that I can compare the information and make my final decision based on all the facts. There is quite a variance on training techniques used by the many fanciers today, and you must follow what works best for you and your birds.

IPB99B 22911 won his first race on 09/12/1999 and it was the first race entry for him and for me. I am very proud of his accomplishment. His brother (IPB99B 22912) won his first race on 09/19/1999 and his second win was on 10/24/1999. They both have proven themselves to me.

A good loft design is crucial to healthy pigeons. I built my loft in a rush, as the pigeons were here before I expected them and I needed to have them a place to live as soon as possible. I highly recommend that the loft be built prior to ordering your birds. Due to the need to hurry the project, I did not have sufficient time to research the full requirements of the birds. I made modifications to the loft several times during the first six months and I still have a few changes to make for my own satisfaction. The primary considerations are ventilation, light, adequate space for the birds, and ease of cleaning. I highly recommend that you have a racing loft and a breeding loft so that the sexes can be separated during the late summer and fall (non-breeding season).

Breeding, feeding, medicating, training, and handling are things that you must learn. Feeding, medicating, and handling should be researched prior to getting any birds to insure you don't make any mistakes early on. This sounds so simple, but, I did not learn the basics before acquiring the birds and I am just lucky that my birds were healthy when I got them and that I was able to find a source for their feed and supplies. It is difficult to find pigeon feed in some locations, so do be sure to investigate for suppliers prior to getting the birds.

Oh sure, you will still make mistakes, but the information here may help you to avoid a few that I have encountered. Here is my article on Young bird Training. I have also created a photo album of my lofts and just a few of my birds. Please enjoy them.

Here is a photo of a Trenton (American family of racing homers)blue checkeded saddle. This one was raised by my brother at his loft in the mountains of North Carolina. He is unable to compete in club races, as there are no clubs in his area. The other photos were taken by me at my loft.

I designed my own training baskets and manufacture them for various clubs and individuals. If you would like more information about them, please e-mail me.

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This page was last updated on 09/08/2003 by Custom Designs & Services.