Hello there...My name is Cameron Mitchell and I am currently a senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill majoring in Journalism and Mass Communication. This page is kind of ghetto, but give me a break! Hope you enjoy. I try to update it regularly, so keep checking it out!

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*Cameron's Quote of the Moment*

My Favorite Links

My Crazy Personal Photo Gallery
Healthy (poem by me)
Assume (poem by me)
The Official Madonna Fan Club!!!
Trick and Trick (poem by me)
To Good Best Friend (poem by me)
Columns by me published in The Daily Tar Heel
Pills & the Couch (poem by me)
Glasses (a poem by me)
Chewing Glass (a poem by me)
Bo(d)y (a poem by me)
Etched (a poem by me)
Pencil Sharpener (poem by me)
You Never Did Anyway (a poem by me)
Marketing (poem by me)
Blood Tear (poem by me)
Sour Milk (poem by moi)
Clock (a poem by me)
The Gun (poem by me)
Thimbles (a poem by me)
Writings In General (a site completely dedicated to more poems and other such works by none other than i)
