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picture removed due to some whinner.... (probably works for the RIAA)

This is what I feel like doing all summer, but that's impossible because I have to make money to attend the great concert of all time --- Jimmy Buffett's!

    I was in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for my Spring Break, and when it was time to get tickets I was number ONE in line after the lottery pull, EXCITING.  We are going to the August 22 show at Alltel Pavilion, NC.  To see the rest of the tour dates, click here.

I am trying to add more to this page as fast as I can so stick with me!        
 I will have more to come soon. Thank you for visiting my page. Tell 
your friends about it and, PLEASE come back and visit again! I am
also currently trying to get this site listed by Yahoo, but they are very
busy, so this may take a while........


  Thanks for Visiting!  Come by real soon!


I will have some Pictures Soon......

Click here for the latest Buffett News
Click here to add the Buffettnews Ticker to your web page


Tour (updated 3-25-00)
Pictures (got some, but still adding more)
Audio Clips
Background Information (still underconstruction, does include Parrot Head National Anthem)

Questions? Comments? Feel free to email me!