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The mission of the Boiling Spring Lakes Police Department is to maximize the quality of life of the citizens of the city we serve; to uphold the law fairly and firmly; to prevent crime; to address the problems of the citizens we serve; to pursue and bring to justice those who violate the law; to keep peace of the city; to protect, help, and reassure all people in our city; to do all this with the integrity, common sense, and sound judgment.

We will be compassionate, courteous, and patient. We will act without showing fear, favor, or prejudice to the rights of others. We will be professional, calm, and restrained in the face of violence and/ or irrational behavior.

We will strive to reduce the fears of the public and, in so far as we can, reflect its priorities in the actions we take. We will change and mold our Department as necessary to maximize our service in meeting needs of a growing city. We will respond to well-founded criticism with a willingness to change. We recognize that innovation may require adjustment and evaluation before reaching an optimum level of service.

