Will Book 1, page 4
Charlotte County, Virginia

In the Name of God Amen I John Middleton by the Grace of God being in a Reasonable State of Health and j____ Comp____ of Body and mind; But knowing that it is appointed for all men once to ____
____ ___ ______ ___ ____ of my body may come. I revoke all former wills and testaments and in My first place I order that my body be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor and R_____ believe that it __ be raised at the last day where those Eyes [ _____ ] shall on the Lord for my self and not for another. I also commit my spirit into the hands of God that gave it ___ Expectation to received by him _____ the spirits of the Lord Jesus Christ his ____ son; An for the Estate wherewith the lord has Blessed me with I bequeath the following manner; Item I do give and bequeath to Marthew my beloved wife her bed and furniture and also the third part of all my movable Estate; and if she remains a widow is to have the use and benefit of the plantation I now live upon with Beldad my Negro wench two horse kind plows and plow irons and all useful utensils for the plantation to support and maintain my children and in case she should marry then to be disposed or continued as my Executors think proper Item I do hereby authorize and Impower my Executors to sell this land and plantation I now live on and all of my other lands and to make deed or deeds to the purchaser and also to make such purchases of land and Negroes as shall think most advantageous for the benefit of my children; Item ___ son John comes of age I allow an Equal Division of all my Estate to be and betwixt my four sons to wit, John, James, Samuel, & Robert Middleton and I do hereby authorize and appoint Robert Words and Thomas Moore my two friends the Executors of this my last will and testament and do hereby revoke all former wills and testaments as witness my hand and seal this twenty ____ October one thousand and seven hundred & sixty four

John Middleton

Witnesses present Ainsworth Middleton, John [his (V) mark] Vance, Jean [her (x) mark] Moore at a Court held for Charlotte County the fourth day of August 1766. The within last will and testament of John Middleton Decd was Exhibited by Robert Words and Thomas Moore the Executors therein named & the same proved by them the two of the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be ______ on the motion of the said Executors who made with according to law Certificate is given therefore ____ _____
______ _____ ___ _ _____


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