I, D. F. Mann of the County of Stanly & State of North Carolina being of sound mind & memory but considering the uncertainty of my earthly existence do make and declare this my last will and testament in manner & form following that is to say (item) That my Executor herein after named shall provide for my body a decent burial suitable to the wishes of my relations and friends and pay all funeral expenses together with my just debts however & whoever owing out of the first money’s that may come into his hands as a part or parcel of my Estate (item) I do give and bequeath to my son Jas. T. Mann sixty acres of land lying adjoining James L Hartsells, Jonah A. Hartsell’s & Georg Thomas’s. I give and bequeath unto my son Jonah A. Mann Sixty acres of land lying adjoining Geo Thomas & Dukin Tucker’s and if the said Son remain at home until he is twenty one years of age I bequeath him a horse worth one hundred dollars I also give and bequeath to my son Wm. D Mann sixty acres of land lying adjoining Dinkin Tuckers & Jonah Tuckers & if he stay at home until he is twenty one years of age I give & bequeath unto him one horse worth one hundred dollars. (item) I will & bequeath the remainder of my land including the dwelling & improvements to my wife Melinda Mann together with all my personal property and provisions & money that is or may be on hand at my death to dispose of as she sees proper for the raising of the family & under this item I direct that my wife Malinda Mann gives to my five daughters that is to say Martha J. Elizabeth J. Hester Bell Maggie Gen and Sally McCurdy each one bed and also to give each one [dow] except Elizabeth Jackson Then all of which in this items that I give to my wife Malinda Mann to be hers in her own right & property during her widowhood at the expiration of her widowhood or at her death the remainder of the land to be sold and the proceeds or money arrisng therefrom to be equally divided between my five daughters that is to say Martha J, Elizabeth Jackson Hester Bell Maggie Gennett and Sally McCurdy and also the personal property and money on hand to be divided equally between my three sons & five daughters that is to say, James L. Jonah A. and Wm. D. Mann and Martha J. Elizabeth J. Hester Bell Maggie Gennett & Sally McCurdy and I also bequeath to my other daughter Louiza Adline one dollar in money And lastly I do constitute and appoint my son James T. Mann my lawful Executor this my last will and testament according to the true intent and meaning of the same and every part and clause therof hereby revoking and declaring void all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I the said D. F. Mann do hereby set my hand and seal This the 12th day of February AD one thousand eight hundred and seventy five signed sealed and declared by the said D. F. Mann to be his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request & in his Presence do Subscribe our names as witnesses there to

Attest to J. E. Hartsell
Attest to D. F. Love

D. F. Mann (Seal)


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