Loose Estate Record of James Love, Senior
Stokes County, North Carolina

State of North Carolina
Stokes County
Nine months after date we John Jordan and Gabriel Jones or either of us do promise to pay unto James Love Jun’r Administrator with the will of James Love Sen’r Late of the County deceased in the full sum of twenty three pounds ten shillings and six pence lawful money of said state and being for value received as witness our hands & seals Dec’r 22 1800

John Jordin
Gabriel (x) Jones

James Campbell

North Carolina

To the Sheriff of Stokes County Greetings you are hereby commanded to take the bodys of John Jordan & Gabriel Jones if to be found in your Ballywick & there safely keep so that you have them before the County Court of Pleas & Quarter Session to be held for the County of Stokes at the Court house in Germanton on the firste Monday in Decm’r Next then & there to anser James Love Admr of James Love Sr. in a pleas that they render to him the some of twenty three pounds ten shillings & ten pence covering to his damage fifty pounds & have you then & there this writ witness Rob’t Williams Clerk of Court of said Court at office the firste Monday in Sept 1801
________ Nov 18th 1801

Rob’t Williams

North Carolina
Stokes County

Know all men by these presents that we John Jordan, Gabriel Jones & Arch’d Campbell all of the County & State aforesaid are held and firmly bound unto Isaac Nelson Shrff of Stokes County in the just & full Sume of Forty seven one shilling eight pence to which payment will & truly to be made will bind our selves our heirs Executors & administrators Jointly & Severally by those present Sealed with our seal & Dated this 23d day of Nov 1801

The condition of the above obligation is such that of the above Bound John Jordan & Gabriel Jones Shall will & truly make them personally appearing at the court house in Germanton on the first Monday in Dec. that then & there to answer unto James Love Admr with will of James Love Senr all of the County dec’d in a plea of debt of thirty three pounds ten shillings and ten pence with lawful costs and charges
And then stand to & abide by the judgment of said court & not Depart the same without Leave first had and obtained then the above obligation to be Void otherwise remain in full force & vertue
Sign in presence of

John Jordan
Gabriel (x) Jones
Archibald Campbell

Estate of James Love Dec’d] Commitioners after Examining the
Vouchers as follows Viz:

For securing the Crop  ---------- -------- L6-0-0
Hunting wild hogs  ----------------------- 3-15----
For feeding horse & cattle --------------1—5 –0
To mendg flax wheal   -----------------------5—6
To stamp paper for notes ----------------0-10 –0
Admr’n on Estate ------------------------0-8-0
Cash paid for Returng Inventory    ----0-4-0
Cash paid for Clerk for list of sales ---0-4-0
Exet’n Commitions ---------------------4-10-0

Proven Acct -------------------------------L 0-8-9
Sheriff Rec’d ------------------------------0-11-6
Proven Acc’t--------------------------------0-9-9
Clerk at the sale ---------------------------1-0-0
For crying the sale ------------------------1-0-0
For making the coffin ---------------------1-0-0 	            
Direct Tax ----------------------------------0-10-0

                                         Total L21-11-6

Leving A balance of the
Hwole Estate in the Exr’s hands   -----L87-8-9

Gabriel Waggoner
Isaac Dalton

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