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WeLL, gIrls.... WaNt NeWs??? If So, ThIs Is Da PlAcE fOr YoU...

February 4. 2000

~~**Now for the shocking news about Brian & Leighanne: Apparently Brian & Leighanne are now ENGAGED! Yup, they have planned to get marry on September 2. 2000~ Leighanne is wearing the ring and proudly showing it off. Congrats to them both.

~**Now about Nick & Mandy. Here's an acticle you must read:

National Enquirer Article - Nick & Mandy


Love-struck Nick turns his back on his family

BACKSTREET BOY NICK CARTER has broken the hearts of family members with the shocking news that he's turning his back on them and moving in with his girlfriend. The crushing blow came just weeks after Nick, 19, moved his family into a new multimillion-dollar home and promised to spend an old-fashioned Christmas with them -- when he then skipped. "When Nick told me he was moving out, I was devastated," Nick's mom Jane Carter told The Enquirer in an exclusive interview. "He made the announcement that he needed to be near his girlfriend Mandy Williford in Florida and he ditched his family in California. Nick left us in emotional shock". Nick and his family moved from Florida to Los Angeles last year so his siblings can pursue a show business career like big brother Nick. In September, just before Nick left on a Backstreet Noys tour, he moved the family to a big ranch 200 miles north of Los Angeles. "But just as we moved Nick and Mandy started seeing each other again," said his mom. "They met over two years ago and their relationship has never been easy. Nick's hectic schedule caused them to break up several times. I thought Mandy was out of his system for good." Then, when Nick was on tour, "one day a big moving truck pulled up," his mom revealed. "They said they were here to pack Nick's things and I freaked out. I don't know when I've ever cried so much. "I contacted Nick to find out what was going on and that's when he dropped the bomb on us. "Nick told his dad and me, "Mandy and I are back together and when I return from the tour I'm moving back to Florida and she and I are going to live together'. "Nick even told us that he no longer wanted his dad to have input in his business affairs and that he wanted to do it all himself. "And to add insult to injury, before Nick ran back to Mandy, he planned a big Christmas celebration. Everyone was thrilled at the thought of Christmas in our new home--especially his brother and sisters. "Nick's grandparents are very ill and this was probably their last Christmas. "But then Nick pulled the rug out from under us--he was a no-show. "Once Nick moved out, we didn't hear from him for weeks. He wouldn't call and we couldn't get a hold of him. "Here we were not knowing if we were going to be kicked out of our new home, whick Nick bought for us. "Nick called just before Christmas and said that he will settle financially with us, but that remains to be seen. "No matter what happens Nick's father and I will always be here for him--and we hope he comes home soon."

Well, there you have it girls. Not it's your choice to either believe it or not.

November 7. 1999

Look 4 da new Backstreet Boys home video "Backstreet Boys: Standing Room Only" in stores Novemeber 9th

Check out full length "Larger Than Life" video available exclusively in the Media section at

Special re-mix of "I Want It That Way" available on "Drive Me Crazy" soundtrack

Backstreet Boys on cover of YM

New Issue (Januray)
I got that magazine. My boyfriend bought it for me, isn't he the sweetest?? Awww.. I think so..

Big Newz for Toronto Fanz (Including me... YAY!!)

Backstreet Boys are coming back for another concert in March 2000

November 6. 1999

i heard that kevin dilocated his shoulder from skiing in denver! but he'll have to skip some dancing in a few shows, he'll be okay though! this news is from bsb chic.

I've just got this in my email. I don't know if it's true. But it's really INTERESTING! And if it's true. Then all I can say to Britney Spears is "GOOD!!!" I personally don't like her, cuz of what she has been saying about the Backstreet Boys... She really has NO RIGHT saying anything about the Backstreet Boys or any other bands or artists like that.

*July 21, 1999*

New York, NY.- Popstar Britney Spears was involved in a fight friday night, an apparent victim of her own big mouth. Spears was entering a party her record label, Jive, was throwing and was overheard by several people trashing the members of the Backstreet Boys, who happen to be her label mates. A witness said Spears was repeatedly heard making comments about the groups appearance on her own album. She also complained a great deal about their new album, trashing most of the songs off their third CD, Millennium, which incidentally has been sitting at number one on the Billboard charts for a month. She reportedly made a very offensive remark about one particular track, The Perfect Fan, a song written by Backstreet Boys' Brian Littrell about his mother. Spears called the song "Crap" and continued bashing it even as Littrell, who was arriving at the party himself, passed. Witnesses overheard Littrell saying he was going to ignore her, apparently the same didn't go for his guest. Leighanne Wallace, Littrell's girlfriend of several years confronted Spears about her comments and they got into a heated argument. Spears tried to attack Wallace without any success before Wallace swung out at Spears, sending her crashing down on the gravel below knocking her out cold. Littrell took his girlfriend by the hand and pulled her away from Spears into the building. Wallace, as she entered the party, was overheard yelling at Spears "Want to be hit one more time!" a clever reference to Spears hit song "baby one more time" After Spears was revived, she left the party with no comments. No lawsuit is pending as of yet. This reporter thinks she got was she deserved.