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DID U KNOW DAT: ......

Feb. 4. 00

~***A little something from our fanz: From: Michely McLean

The last word of Nick's message is "Scarce"...and the 3 chinese symbols on AJ's arm (I love the man to death) mean "Fear", "Endangered", "Panda Bear" order from top to bottom...

~Thank You Michely for the email~

~~**Awww.. Rumor has it that AJ is having a house built for him & Amanda. And also, they have been thinking about getting married really soon in the near future.

Sept. 17. 99

Notice that in the album "Millennium" Nick wrote in this Thank Yous this code: 5483-5433-86-843-3855278-367-843-388873-47-722723 This translates as: "Live life to the fullest for the future is _______" Well, I don't know what the last word is yet... Um.... Can any of you figure it out???

Well, I figure this out myself. So, I'm not really sure if it's correct.

Okay, ya'll know that on AJ's right arm, he has these 3 chinese words tattooed on. I asked my parents what they meant, and they think that it's a name, but I asked them to explain to me what each word mean, and I realized that it's not just a name or anything. Each word has a meaning to it.

The first word would mean "DANGER"

The second word would mean... well, I'm not really sure. I think it means "TRAVELING" Or "SUCCESS"

The third word would mean "PANDA" and we all know why he has that one.. a clue : AMANDA
