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There are many ways to rescue a well-loved doll. Many collectors love to find dolls at Flea Markets and Garage Sales and try and restore them to their former beauty.

Barbie Bazaar, Doll Reader, and Miller's Magazine (no longer in print) all have articles about cleaning dolls and caring for dolls. Barbie Bazaar focuses on ways to restore your vintage Barbie dolls. If you are interested in doing the work yourself, I recommend tracking down the back issues of Barbie Bazaar and learning from these articles. Barbie Bazaar will also sell reprints of certain articles.

The following is an index of restoring and customizing articles from Barbie Bazaar and Miller's. Teri Starner is the author of the restoration articles from Barbie Bazaar. Kathy Moreau & Laurence Harding (Kaem and LauraLei) also write articles on Customizing Fashion Dolls for BB.

Article Magazine Date Page Number
Make Me Over, Please
Vintage Reproduction Makeovers
Miller'sSummer 1997 66-71
Color My World (Recoloring Vintage Faces)
by Maryann Ray
Miller'sNov. 1999 62-63
Microbraid Hair Replacement
by Lynn Smith
Miller'sNov. 1999 64-65 with Fold Out page.
Putting It All Together
Recreating Vintage Fabric and Box by David Rose
Miller'sSept. 1999 65
She Met Ken
(Reflocking and Repainting Ken) by Maryann Ray
Miller'sSept. 1999 100-101
Gene Enchantress Dress Pattern Miller'sSept. 1998 32 (With Fold Out Page)
Neck Splits to Hip Sockets: A Repair GuideBarbie Bazaar Oct. 199772-74
Reflocking Ken HairBarbie Bazaar Sept./Oct. 199348
Rerooting BasicsBarbie Bazaar March/April 199795-96
Restoring Flip HairdosBarbie Bazaar Nov./Dec. 199676-78
Restoring PonytailsBarbie Bazaar Sept./Oct. 199633-35
Restyling Bubble CutsBarbie Bazaar July/Aug. 1997 72-73
Up With A Bang: Restoring Rag Curl BangsBarbie Bazaar Aug. 199964-65
Vintage Face Paint: EyeBarbie BazaarFeb. 2000103
Vintage Face Paint: EyebrowBarbie Bazaar June 200090
The Green Ear Disease DebateBarbie Bazaar Oct. 199882-84
The Perils of Green Ear RemovalBarbie Bazaar Oct. 199885-88.
Designer Hair Do's from HomeBarbie Bazaar Feb. 1999105-107
With it Whites: The Beginning of Clothing RestorationBarbie Bazaar Feb. 199878-79
On The Mend: Resources for Restoring Vintage ClothingBarbie Bazaar April 199878-79
Under the Brim: Getting Inside Your Vintage HatBarbie Bazaar June 199880-82
First Aid for the FrizziesBarbie Bazaar Dec. 199898-99
How do I Clean My Doll?Barbie Bazaar Special Edition June 199646-47
Just Ask Teri (restoration questions and answers)Barbie Bazaar October 199997
Doll Clleaning 101: The BasicsBarbie Bazaar July/Aug 199634-35
Barbie Bazaar Fashion Model
Hair Styling + Facial Repaint instructions.
Aux Champs Elysses dress and hat pattern
Barbie Bazaar June 199985-90
Barbie Goes Shopping
hat, hat box, purse, shopping bag patterns
Barbie Bazaar April 199952-56
Barbie Doll's Favourite Mall, Part 1
Instructions for building a shopping mall and accessory ideas.
Barbie Bazaar Aug. 199966-70
Barbie Bazaar Fashion Model
Pattern #2 Simply Chic
with Cigarette Holder instructions.
Barbie Bazaar Aug. 199971-73
Barbie Doll's Favourite Mall, Part 2. Barbie Bazaar October 199985-88
Barbie Bazaar Fashion Model
Simply Chic Accessories.
Barbie Bazaar October 199989-90
Getting the Most out
of Yor Reproduction Dolls
by Bouchard, Jeff and Joe Seminerio
Barbie Bazaar July/August 200093-97

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