"Quote of the Moment"

"A smart man only believes half of what he hears, a wise man knows which half”

(Jeff Cooper)

Past Quotes

(I keep this page up for nostalgic purposes. I have removed a few more detailed points to protect people and myself in this more modern age. Web security is much more important now than it was in the late 90's when I created it.)

Main Features

Funny Pics Frames | No Frames
L.O.R.D. (A very fun game)
Love of My Life.
Gallery of Humor.
My Taurus LX.
Friends of the Bear, Frames | No Frames.
Poetry Corner.
Friends Webpages.
Pic of me and me love.
My Adopted Dragons.
( Fun Stuff.*Darkside of Oz, Overlord, etc.*.)

This icon is staying for the soul reason of kicking me in the butt to continue to add more...

Look what you did!!!

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(Do not Private Message, it is messed up and I cannot retrieve them, and Guestbook will not give me the info I need, darn buggers.)

A Few Good Spots

How to get RID of Lop, or Download This and Run
My Chat Priority.
Where to go to Search.
Angelfire SUX!!!

take the death quiz.

Email: bearhawk8@hotmail.com