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And all the while, the journey was leading me home.

Watercolor by Allura Westley

Welcome friends!
So glad you could join me. It won't be long before the universal population will dance and sing in unity!
(Or at least I keep hoping)
Please join me for a chat..or just meditate for a while.
We are not Human Beings having a Spiritual Experience...We are Spiritual Beings having the Human Experience, so please join me in this delightful Cyber Experience.

About me, well, I have recently made my home on the coast of North Carolina. Born in Rocky Mount, NC, I moved to the wonderful village of Chapel Hill where my life took a cosmic tour of truth -vs- illusion only to find that to each and every truth, there is also an equal and opposite truth.

To make a long and complex story short and simple, I did experience a profound "Awakening", a "Satori" you might say. An enlightened view that gave reason and purpose to all things past, present, and future, and bringing them back around in the "Circle of Life." This knowledge was not an easy lesson so I moved to the coast to heal and learn more.

I have danced with devils and sang with the angels, traded thoughts with ET's, and befriended a Ghost. However, it is this human thing I struggle to understand. Even in knowing that our spirit connects reality with Divine Purpose, this life still seems to be quite a paradoxical riddle.

This said, may I wish you the gift of "hanging in there", until your faith allows you to joyfully "LET GO!"

So now let's have a and meditate on ! 8)
Please make yourself comfortable and most of all...have fun!

What I cherish

Family and Friends
Random Acts of Kindness
Company with Animals
Cosmic Perspectives
Works of Art
Fiesta Pottery

Rooms within the

Memories....God's Family

Recovery Humor

Quiet Room

My Meditation Room

My Collection of Star Beings

HodgePodge Funpage

Visit my little corner on Paradise Drive, TalkCity, where I'm also known as "yenheart"

eBay Auctions


Eye*Candy~Le Masculine

Eye*Candy #2
It's all in the Stars!

Le Femme Eye*Candy


Unity Gif by Swade

The Wonderful Watercolor artwork by Allura Westly
visit her site!

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Please visit me at Facebook --

This Homepage began in 1999.
My doggone, dadblasted counter blew up and I had to start a new one so come back soon and come back often!

as seen on tv music