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Tora's Page

Welcome to my homepage! It's under construction right now and that's why it's so bare. First let me tell you about myself. I haven't yet decided what exactly my page should be about. Although it seems to be turning into one about Cartoons! However, I'm just practing my HTML before I get really complex. This page is just experimental for now. So don't be too picky about my little mistakes. Instead just mail me with your ideas and comments! That way I can learn and move on. How else can I please my public? :) So far I have been thinking about the things I could put on my page. Mostly it is the 1980's cartoons. You may remember these. I myself was a very young child in the 80's and remember watching loads of all these cartoons. For instance, Jem and the hollograms, Rainbow Brite, the Carebears, Scooby-Doo, She-ra, He-man, and so many others. I will have pictures and Links of these on this page in the near future.

I'm a 16 year old female with brown hair and brown eyes. I'm also very short at 5'2 feet tall. There is a possibility of me putting my picture on here in the near future. Let me see what I can do. I have a twin sister named Nicole. You can see her page here on angelfire! For those of you who want free homepages and free space to build them on from a site that offers you help please go to Angelfire and Register! Here's a place to get yourself a homepage!! I may be biast but I think my sister has done a really great job on this page and I am very proud of her! That's probably why my page is turning into a Cartoon page! That and they are just so cute and irrisistable! Here is a sample of the cartoons on her page.

This is a tribute to the 1980's cartoons

Another page done by a family memeber of mine was my younger cousin Heather's. She has done one completely dedicated to the cute little teletubbies. So if any of you are interested go here.

Teletubbie Land

As for me this is really the first page I've actually concentrated on. Before I got really bored and just gave up. I was always too busy chatting to people because that is one of my favorite things to do. I love to meet new people and talk on the net.

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As for me, I love Cartoons. Especially the 1980's Cartoons and things like Winnie The Pooh. They were clean and not violent like the ones of today. You may see more links and pictures from these cartoons than anything.



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Click here to go to my Cartoon Picture Page 1

Click Here to go to my Cartoon Page 2


Hyperchat UK

She-Ra and He-Man Headquarters

Jem And The Hollograms

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