USS Merrimac NCC 1863-D
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USS Merrimac NCC 1863-D

The USS Merrimac, NCC 1863-D, is a Nebula Class Cruiser. Captain Sekar of Vulcan currently commands her. The Merrimac was commissioned at the Cochrane shipyards at Alpha Centauri in 2368 as a replacement for the Merrimac C. It was decided to build her as Nebula Class, as opposed to a Galaxy class, due to the greater versatility offered by the interchangeable equipment pods on Nebula class cruisers. The Merrimac D is currently configured with a heavy weapons pod. This pod is well suited to her current mission she is on patrol duty along the Klingon / Romulan / Federation boarders. While patrolling the boarder The Merrimac is to collect as much strategic information as possible on both alliances. The Merrimac has already distinguished herself during rescue mission to Gilad-Indii, by defending the New Rogers colony from Orion Pirate raids, and by decimating a Klingon surprise attack force that destroyed the USS Ventura and killed most of her crew. Her crew is a combat seasoned and experienced mixture from Earth, Vulcan, Betazed, Andor, Tellar, Cait, Alpha Centauri, as well as other Federation and a handful of non-Federation worlds. The USS Merrimac has a detachment of Fleet Marines under the command of Lt. Colonel Slomo Ben Guiles of Earth. The Marine detachment has 2 armored runabouts, the Stonewall and the Robert E. Lee, which provides the USS Merrimac with the capability of becoming 4 separate vehicles. These Marines provide the Merrimac with a ground and ship assault capability that, combined with her space abilities, makes her one of the most versatile ships in Star Fleet. The latest ship to bear the name USS Merrimac continues to carry forward the proud traditions of her predecessors and those of Star Fleet.


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