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Geneology of the Schell,Hall,Smith,Ragsdale,Clanton,Whitman,and Dowlen lineage

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  family Links  
  Welcome to The Family Links of Descendants.You will find the Families below. ( Doolin/Dowlen, Smith, Hall, Jochem/Yocum, Ragsdale, Schell/Shell, Clanton and Whitman. ) Updates will be posted from time to time, and will include new lineage, detailed stories, and pictures of descendants. You might want to check back often. If you have some valid lineage to add email me at Your lineage would be a great help to all who enter this web page. Please feel free to share your information.

If you have your own Family Lineage Web Page on the same family lines, I would appreciate it if you would email the address to me.

If you are having problem's opening your choice lineage, email me with the problem and I will send you a file attachment. (Some people who have NetScape are having this problem (The screen comes up blank).

 Even though this page is still under construction, please take the time to sign my guest book. We will not share your address with anyone.

God Bless you and Good Luck in your search.


Here are a few web sights that may aid your search:

 How to get Public Information on Loved Ones

 Genealogy Libraries on the WWW Postings

List of More Links 1-20

 Social Security Death Index

  Dowlen Descendents
A wind gently blows murmering softly from the past proclaiming our heritage for future generations. 
  Smith Descendents
Down the path of gene crossed lanes, the blood of our ancestors course through our veins. 
  The Hall Descendants
The vast halls of time echo with the voices of our ancestors.
  The Jochem Yocum Descendants
A good name is worth more than gold.
  The Ragsdale Descendants
The light of long lost ancestors radiates in our children's eyes. 
  The Schell Descendants
The tides roar in for each generation, then quietly roll back out again. We can collect the shells whether whole or fragmented and carefully piece them back together,or Let them lie buried in the sand until they are remembered no more.
  The Clanton Descendants
Put your ear to the earth and listen for the footsteps from the past.
  The Whitman Descendants
By studying the past we can apply what we Learn to the future.
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