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Adam Lee Rosol's
First Month
February 13 - March 12 1999

The first month of Adam's life was a pretty hectic one. He learned that his parents and Grandma Schwartz(who stayed with us for three weeks and was more help that we could possibly imagine) would come running every time he cried to change his diaper, feed him, wrap him in a receiving blanket, or just to hold him. During most of this month, Adam slept no longer than two hours at a time, and ate between 2-3 ounces of breast milk (estimate) each feeding.

Here's some pictures of him during the first month

The Bear

This large bear was waiting in front of the house for Adam when he got home. We rented the sign for a week, and many of our neighbors stopped by with presents for little Adam

Bath time

"This is an outrage!" - Adam's first bath was a bit of an adventure for mom, grandma, and dad

"I guess it's OK when Grandma Schwartz holds me" - Adam was in rare form; he was both calm and awake.


"I can't wait until I can hold this melon upright" - Grandma Schwartz is holding Adam again, but he just can't manage to look up into the camera.


Click here to see photos from his second month of life