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Adam Lee Rosol's
Fourty-third Month
August 13- September 12 2002

This month was a little slower for us. Len celebrated his 39th birthday. Jake had his two month check up. He is 15 lbs 14 oz and 24 1/4 inches long.

Here are some pictures of the boys during Adam's 43rd month

up up and away

"Up up and away!" Adam riding a lift exibit at Discovery Place, the local science center.


"I love snakes!" Carol took Jake and Adam to Discovery Place on her last day of maternity leave.


Adam was very interested in this snake that the Discovery Place employee brought out.


"This noggin is too heavy!" Jake practicing lifting his head.


"Mom! Don't squeeze so hard!" Carol giving Jake a big squeeze.


"Happy Birthday Daddy" Len's 39th birthday.


"Eat Cake!" Cake time on Len's birthday.

Click here to see photos from his 44th month of life