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Adam Lee Rosol's
Fourtieth Month
May 13- June 12 2002

As we await the arrival of our new baby we spend our last few days together as a family of three. We took our annual trip to Nags Head, spent some time poolside, had another birthday party, went to see Thomas the Tank Engine at Tweetsie Railroad and attended a sibling class at the hospital.

Here's some pictures of him during his 40th month


"Cool!" Adam takes a closer look at the catch of the day.


"Look at THIS one!" Adam holds up a dolphin fish, otherwise known as Mahi Mahi.


"I have sand between my toes!" Rinsing sand off his feet as he is leaving the beach.


"We're moving!" We went with Carol's parents on the ferry over to Okracoke Island where we saw wild horses and had some lunch.


"You make a good float, Daddy!" Len and Adam spend some time in the indoor pool.


"Just takin' a soak!" Adam likes to spend time in his kiddy pool during our hot North Carolina summer.


"Hook me up to the boat Daddy!" Since we don't get much snow here in NC, Adam gets year round use of his snow tube.


"Pizza is my favorite food!" Adam's best friend Kenneth, also known as his Partner In Crime, turns three with a pizza party.


"Happy Birthday Kenneth!" The usual birthday pinata goodies.


"Look out below!" The birthday entourage spent most of their time riding their vehicles down the hill in sync.


"This is so relaxing." We picked a VERY hot day to go to Tweetsie. Len hiked up the mountain with the stroller while Carol and Adam took the chair lift.


"Argh! Matey!" Adam loved riding these boats. He rode them over, and over, and over...


"Beep! Beep!" Adam takes nine month pregnant Mommy for a drive.


"He's here!" The feature attraction of the day. We got to go for a ride on Thomas the Tank Engine.


"What is this thing?" As last minute preparations for the new baby take place. Adam attends a sibling class to teach him what to expect when the baby arrives.

Click here to see photos from his 41st month of life