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Adam Lee Rosol's
thirty-sixth Month
January 13- February 12 2002

Adam is three years old this month. He weighed 42 pounds at his checkup and was 41 1/2 inches tall! Adam and his friends are growing up. He loves to attend the birthday parties!

Here's some pictures of him during his 36th month


" Happy Birthday Sarah Shaw!" One of Adam's school friends also turns three this month.


" Yee Haa! Giddy Up!" Adam rides the carousel at Sarah's birthday party.


" Got him!" Adam playing a Whack A Gator game at Sarah's party.


" Ahhhhhh! " Adam gets comfortable in the ball play area.


"This is SO much fun! More ball play.


" Vroom!" Adam chose a race car cake for his celebration at home with the neighbors.


" I love presents! " Opening presents on his third birthday.


" It's a Choo Choo train!" Len and Carol got Adam some more parts for his train set that Santa brought him for Christmas.

Click here to see photos from his 37th month of life