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Adam Lee Rosol's
Twentieth Month
September 13 - October 12 2000

Adam continues to grow. We get reminded of this little fact every now and then, when we suddenly realize he's grown out of clothes. Or, in this case, shoes. Adam's feet are now size 8 wides, went directly from a 6 1/2 to an 8.

Adam's Aunt Andrea and Uncle Paul came down for a visit so that Paul and cousin Alex could go to a NASCAR race. While they were here, we fried them a turkey, and had a nice meal. It was a nice visit.

Here's some pictures of him during his 20th month

Rocking Gator

"Whee" Adam delights in waking up before 7:00 am on weekends. Here, he's riding his favorite alligator, while dad remembers what it was like to sleep in on a weekend.

You know, this really sucks!

" You know, this really sucks." Adam's favorite toy is mom's vacuum cleaner. He can entertain himself for a long time, sucking up things from the floor, and the occasional lip.

the boy

" As long as I have my sippy cup, all is right with the world." Just a picture of Adam and his sippy cup.

Chef Adam

" No, Mommy. I'm sure the recipe calls for a little more sugar. " Toddlers love to "help" you with your tasks, and here Adam is helping mom make a pie.

football with the bowmans

" Hey! I was open! Pass the ball to me next time " Adam's cousins visited us, and Adam played football with Marissa and Alex. He'll run with the football, and giggle when you catch him.


"Let's build something!" Adam and Alex were having fun with construction equipment and the tree ring. Adam enjoyed having someone to play trucks with.

King Adam

" It's good to be the king. " Adam is sitting on mommy's lap in a crown he made in daycare.

Turkey fryer

" Be careful, daddy, you don't want to drop my turkey. " Here's Adam's dad frying a turkey. I bought the fryer to brew beer in, but had to use it for it's intended purpose at least a few times. And, let me tell you, fried turkey is incredible, and fast. It's not greasy, it is very moist, and flavorful, and it cooks in just 4 minutes a pound. Try it, you'll like it!

Click here to see photos from his 21th month of life