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Adam Lee Rosol's
Fourteenth Month
March 13 - April 12 2000

This wasn't a particularly good month for Adam, it seems we had him to the doctor about every week. He had an ear infection, an upper respiratory tract infection, and he grew six new teeth for a total of 12 including 4 molars. Ouch. He also had an allergic reaction to something, possibly the penicillin, possibly to eggs, that caused him to break out in little red bumps over much of his body. Only time will tell which, and we hope he grows out of it.

The highlights of the month were taking his first unassisted steps and learning to wave to the mail lady, the lowlight was taking his first poop in the bathtub! We also had him to the doctor this month (many times) and he weighed in at 27 pounds, 8 ounces. He's losing weight as he expends more energy crawling, standing, and trying to walk, and we've replaced his formula with whole milk, so he's not getting quite as many calories as before.

Here's some pictures of him during his 14th month

older woman

" Hmmm. I like older women. I'll act cute for her!" This picture and most of the rest were taken at the birthday party of one of his little friends.

younger women

" Of course, younger women are fine too." Here he's playing a little with Megan.


" As far as women go, you can consider me on the wagon!" He crawled up into the back of this wagon all by himself.


" Hey, this is a crowded party. " Lots of babies at the party!


" You can't pin me!" Adam's little friend Seth likes to wrestle him. He gets a lot of practice wresting their dog, but Adam doesn't have a clue as to how to respond.


" Mom! Look what I found hidden in the bottom of this cabinet. Don't be mad, you can have some!" For a couple of weeks, Adam's favorite game was called "empty the cabinets and drawers". This episode was the last straw, cabinet locks were installed shortly thereafter.


" I really like the new swing!" Len's Mom bought us this porch swing, and Len installed it under the deck. We visited a neighbor who had a swing and who was also an experienced carpenter and saw how he had his mounted, then we copied the technique. Adam loves to swing while dad is grilling dinner nearby.


" Can I camp out on the living room floor?" We got the little guy this tent last year to protect him from the sun on vacation. Now, he loves to crawl into it and peer out from behind the mesh.


Click here to see photos from his 15th month of life