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Adam Lee Rosol's
Twelveth Month
January 13 - February 12 2000

Adam reached many milestones this month. At his one year doctor's appointment, he weighed in at 27 pounds, 12 ounces, and we measured him at 32 inches. That's one big, healthy, happy boy.

During this month, he attended a waterbabies class at the Lake Norman YMCA, he learned to climb stairs, had his first sled ride in the back yard, and had his first baby sitters.

Here's some pictures of him during his 12th month

Tubing Tot

" The white stuff on the ground sure makes my sled go fast! Can I try out for the olympic luge team? " We had our first snow of the season/millenium on January 18th, and Carol took Adam tubing in the side yard. He enjoyed the heck out of it, and Carol put the PC's camera by the window so I could watch from work.

Tubing Tot 2

" When I get older, I'll tell everyone my mom made me wear socks for mittins. " Poor Adam! We had no mittens for him, so we put socks on his hands. They kept him warm though.

Swimming boy

" Funny how your finger tastes better in water " Here are Carol and Adam at his water babies class. Both mom and baby enjoyed the class, Adam really took well to water.

Water babies

" Mom, I think we're having more fun than Mary and Conner " More of a group shot here, Carol's friend Mary is holding her boy Conner, and the teacher is the lady in the front right.


" Hmmmm. You want me to put my head UNDER the water? I don't THINK so! " Here, mom is trying to teach Adam to blow bubbles in the water. Eventually, she had to dunk him, and neither of them cared very much for that situation.

Climbing stairs

" I can climb! " This is one of Adam's first trips up the stairs. He found it was a lot easier climbing them than descending them again later

Crawling boy

" Mom! Do you really think that was me that spilled all those vegetables all over the floor? " Just a cute picture of the crawling boy getting into trouble

Birthday Boy

" Happy Birthday to me " We had a series of professional photos taken at Sears the day before his first birthday. For the whole series, definitely worth seeing, please click here

Worlds messiest baby

" Thanks for the great cake, Mom. It looks great on me! " It's the first birthday party!!Adam had about half a dozen friends visit, and he got a cake of his own to wear. Ok, we bought it for him to eat, but that didn't work too well. When Carol posted this to the mother's board, one mother replied that the funniest part of the whole picture was that we made him wear a bib.

Happy mess boy

" What a great party, I could do this every day!" Another picture of a happy, cake wearing boy.


Click here to see photos from his 13th month of life