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Roanoke Rapids High School Sports

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Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Yahoo- Best for finding anything!
Click to go to my Second page(It's got the player info!)
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Place to go to chat with other football players and wanna be's!

WELCOME! This is the future "unofficial" Home page of Roanoke Rapids High School Sports
It's under construction now and there will be more added! I promise!
Here's a little about this page. This page is being made to show all the sports at Roanoke Rapis High School. And it's to show my favorite sports(which are football, wrestling, and track) and what I do in those sports. There will be picture's and descriptions of the players! The color(Blackround and text) are the schools colors. We're the Yellow Jackets and we kick butt! HEYSign in my guestbook, and tell me what you think!

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Kyle Farley

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