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Welcome to Suaveville!

Whut'z up luv? Glad you could stop by for a minute. Quick intro, peepz call me Suave or Prettyboy, but my real name iz Mika. I'm mixed, my mom is white, and my popz is black. I am currently workin' on my masterz in Education specializin' in school counselin'. I am 27 yearz of age, and I have been single for a minute now. I am interested in women who are intelligent, one who can be very faithful, straight forward, very klassy, very sexy, haz self respect and respect for otherz, haz a good sense of humor, positive goals and drama free. Oh yeah, a biggy, she haz to understand that a relationship is give and take. I'm not really on here lookin' for someone, but hey, I don't throw the punches, I juzt roll with them. Juzt tryin' to have a lil fun, and make some friendz. But, I'm not into gamez, and I'm not a playa' like everybody thinks, too old for that. Well, I have kept you long enough. Thanx for chekin' me out Luv. If you want to keep 'n touch, just hit me up at and I will get right back at cha. I'll holla, 1! Mika Suave!