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Noel's Page

A mecca for all things not interesting

Hi my names Noel and this is my web page, there will never be anything interesting on it but I'm having fun making this site. If you like you can e-mail me with suggestions of dull stupid stuff to put on my site, cool huh?


Due to popular demand I've been told to write something about myself:

I'm now 24 and from the centre of the Universe. I look like a cross between Brad Pitt and Jarvis Cocker. I like Rock Climbing and am in the climbing club at Leicester University. I am a vegetarian and consequently am very weak and are quite stupid due to the lack of iron and protein in my diet. I am also in Greenpeace as a result of being a wet liberal rabbit food eater.

I support Bradford City along with the other great footballing thinkers of our world but due to circumstances beyond my control live in Leicester so don't get to very many games. When I do I stand on the kop and say things like "COME ON CITY". I stand alongside my Dad who is another Brad Pitt look alike with less hair.

I work on the archetypal stress response protein in the best defined model eukaryote - the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. So far I haven't found what it does but I now where it lives and I think I've got it worried, it knows I'm here now.

When I'm in the outdoors I'm a keenly inept birdwatcher. My tick list so far includes probably the biggest collection of pigeons in my street. I have a cat called Koshca (which is Russian for cat) who is very cute but not hard enough by far. If anyone knows of ways to make cats better at battering other cats, e-mail me.

This is me showing
off cos I can
do tables now !

I have been working on getting a definitive links page which is accessible now. It has, I'm sure you'll agree, a link to every single site you could ever wish to access. If, on the off-chance, I have forgotten one it's cos I'm spending too much time murdering yeast. You can e-mail me with suggestions of stupid links

Check out my links page

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